An Open-ish tester

Wednesday’s WOD is one that I made up, website like this but it’s a mix of 2 Open WODs (11.2 and 12.3).  It’s a high rep box jump WOD, cost so warm up your legs well.
Have a plan for this WOD.  My plan looks like this – jump up and step down every time, visit web do pushups in big chunks, sets of 12 if possible, but 9 and 3 will work well and go unbroken on the Toes to Bar.  Your plan may look a little different, but I would recommend being a little conservative, especially early.  This is not a go out with guns a-blazing and your hair on fire WOD.  I would suggest starting at 85% of RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).  You should feel fresh through early rounds, like you could go faster, but by round 4 or 5 you will feel like you are working.  By the last few rounds, you may feel like you are trying to hold onto pace.
You can try a round every 2 minutes, or every 90 seconds, or a time frame that works for you.  If you do this, I DO strongly suggest sprinting the rounds, because this will give you valuable time for recovery.  If you go slow and rest…well, you’re just sliming through the WOD.
I tested this out, and a fast, fresh round, with step downs took me about 1:00 to 1:05.  With rest and natural slowing down, 10 rounds is manageable, 12 and up is doable, but might hurt a bit.  But that’s what the Open will require.
On last piece of advice – for many of you, this will be a push up WOD.  Try not to rest on your chest – you will be breathing heavily and this with restrict your air flow and recovery.  If you rest on the pushups, go to your knees.
More from Carl Paoli on Box Jumps.  He really gets into jumping in the second half, but there is some good general hip warm up stuff as well.  This was his warm up for Open 13.2 (Ugh).
As with all box jump WODs, feel free to step up and down or jump up and step down.  Your shins will thank you!
Workout of the Day
15 Box Jumps 24/20
12 Hand Release Pushups
9 Toes to Bar