
Workout of the Day Alternating EMOM 20Work 40, rest 20At the top of every minute, perform 5 Chest to Bar PullupsMin 1 DB Push Press (switch every 5) 50/35Min 2 DoubleundersIn minute 19 and 20, there is no restScore is all reps completed, including pullups
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I’m shuffling something around this week. The wall balls will be moved from Monday to later in the week. The Monday back squat in wall ball couplet combo went from tough, to soul crushing to potentially homicidal. So we will stick with just soul crushing. We will continue with the Open style workouts on Wednesday, barbell cycling on Friday, and coming next week, we start mixing in thrusters! INSERT PHOTO HERE – Just kidding – our WIFI is NOT working well this evening. so checkout Facebook for lots of awesome pictures of you kick ass people. Workout of the Day Back Squat for load:#1: 3 reps#2: 8 reps @ 75%#3: 8 reps @ 75%#4: 8 reps @ 75% EMOM 5Burpees to touchWork 40/Rest 20AMRAP 2Max reps Burpees to touch
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Link for Donation T-shirt Go Fund Me You can bring a partner, or we can get you one:) Classes at 9am and 10am. If one of those is full, text Alison at 209-345-4380. Workout of the Day “Live Like Laura” With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of: 30-cal. row20 burpees over the rower10 power cleans ♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.
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We will change up our Friday Snatch routine. We will leave the DB on rack, and grab some cold steel. At 6:30p on Friday, it’s weightlifting with Denny – we will stick with the snatch and work the snatch balance. And reminder – we will be doing fundraiser for fallen FBI Special gent Laura Schwartzenberger on Saturday. It’s a 21 minute partner triplet of rowing, burpees and power cleans…very scalable. Workout of the Day Snatch Cycling Every 30 seconds for 6 minutesPerform 5 touch and go power snatchRecommended weight is 95/65Work rest is 15:15 This is a max of 60 reps Hang Squat Snatch Perform 5 singles after the cycling session
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Workout of the Day 6 Rounds For Time12 Pullups12 Alternating Lunge Steps12 Candlesticks12 Situps 20 minute cap
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