
The CrossFit Open season is almost upon us.  If you’re training and prepping for the Open, unhealthy it’s already here. I support the Open and would like everyone that is able to sign up – even if you think it’s not for you.  Yes, approved it’s a competition.  But it’s also a way to gauge your fitness and test yourself.  If you’re new to CrossFit and don’t think you’re ready, more about I say sign up.  Have fun with the workouts, do your best, and let the chips fall where the may.  But next year, with a year of CrossFit and training under your belt, you will see, in hard numbers, how much your fitness has improved. Will the weights be heavy?  Maybe, relative to you.  I would say for most athletes, the weights are moderate to heavy.  Will they throw difficult movements at you?  Yes.  I would recommend that...
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25 Deadlift PRs! 20 Press PRs! 20 Back Squat PRs! And a bunch of Snatch and Isabel PRs! After 9 weeks on the Cube, erectile CFO is stronger and ready to begin the Open. We will spend the next 2 weeks – and the additional 5 during the Open – honing our skills and getting our conditioning dialed. I will explain more in depth tomorrow, more about but expect to do barbell squatting type movements 2 days a week (either Monday/Tues and again on Thursday/Friday).  I will throw in Open WODs in the next 2 weeks, or shorten versions of the WODs.  The goal is to practice the movements, build the biggest engine possible, but not get too sore.  Basically, it’s like doing CrossFit. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 10 5 Overhead Squats Pick a weight that is challenging, yet doable.  Recommended 115-135 for men 75-95 for ladies. ...
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We will do 2 versions of the WOD. At 10am it will be a “full blown” version, troche at 9am we will run a scaled version. Question: what good in life begins with 100 burpees? Workout of the Day AMRAP 14 100 Burpees to 6″ touch 100 Doubleunders Then, order up ladder of Cleans 135/95 Toes to Bar 2s, ailment then 4s, then 6s, then 8s…up by 2s each round 9am version AMRAP 14 5 rounds 10 Burpees 20 Doubleunders Then, up ladder of Cleans Toes to Bar 2s, then 4s, then 6s, then 8s…up by 2s each round Scale the Cleans and Toes to Bar according to ability  
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Back Squat 1RM test of Friday.  Let’s get it.  Here’s 5 Squat Tips for Immediate Improvement from Elite FTS. You may have read about a “walk out.”  I heard about this first from Outlaw.  If you’ve never done it (I never have) today might not be the day to start, clinic but I believe the theory is sound – it makes the bar “feel lighter.” Once you reach the 80-90% range, there take 2 minutes rest then perform a “Walkout” (simply setup like you’re going to squat, approved walk out of the rack, and hold the weight on your back for 5 seconds – DO NOT attempt to squat – belts are recommended for this movement) with 5-10% more than your projected maximal Squat. If you are projecting 400#, walk out with approximately 425#. After your “Walkout”, rest 2 minutes then begin your near maximal and maximal attempts. Workout of...
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The Thin Red Line of Fitness by Emily Beers.  I posted this on the CFO Facebook page, prostate but I enjoyed it so much I wanted to repost it here.  As coaches and experienced CrossFitter’s we absolutely want to protect you and give you the best information about what you are going to experience.  But sometimes the best way to learn is to go out there full sprint and figure out what happens next. If you are still sore, buy more about even a little, website from the Deadlift, I suggest you only use singles for Isabel.  Your lower back is likely still smoked.  Chained reps can add more spice to already well seasoned meat.  Be smart and do really fast singles.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch Spend 15 minutes and built to a heavy, but technically sound, Snatch. Conditioning “Isabel” 30 Snatches 135/85
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