
I’m currently taking part in the Paleo versus Zone challenge.  I’m on the Zone.  The main purpose of starting this challenge for me was to get dialed in for the Open.  I started using the Zone 3 weeks ago and I have seen good results. I have feel great so I was excited to really lock it up during the challenge.
As always, information pills life throws curveballs.  Between family visits and work functions, dosage I did A LOT of restaurant eating for 5 days or so.  It is possible to stay Paleo or Zone eating at a restaurant, what is ed but it requires some planning, being picky and likely some will power.  I have no problem taking my nutrition off the rails now and again, but I prefer to pick my spots.  For me, eating at a restaurant more than once or twice a week results in going off the plan.  Normally, if I am familiar with the restaurant I can pick some thing that is both tasty and within my nutrition plan, but I felt like as I kept sitting down and looking at menus, my willpower wanes.
After 5 days, I owe a bunch of money to the Challenge, and I’m back on track.  

Jalapeño peppers stuffed with sweet potato and shrimp, wrapped in bacon - 1 block of Fat, Carbs and Protein.
Jalapeño peppers stuffed with sweet potato and shrimp, wrapped in bacon – 1 block of Fat, Carbs and Protein.

Workout of the Day
400m run
50 Doubleunders
25 Situps