Saturday 9am and 10am, Open Prep WOD

We will do 2 versions of the WOD. At 10am it will be a “full blown” version, troche at 9am we will run a scaled version.
Question: what good in life begins with 100 burpees?
Workout of the Day
100 Burpees to 6″ touch
100 Doubleunders
Then, order up ladder of
Cleans 135/95
Toes to Bar
2s, ailment then 4s, then 6s, then 8s…up by 2s each round
9am version
5 rounds
10 Burpees
20 Doubleunders
Then, up ladder of
Toes to Bar
2s, then 4s, then 6s, then 8s…up by 2s each round
Scale the Cleans and Toes to Bar according to ability

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