
If you are signed up for “Partners” at CrossFit Parabellum, and please let me know in the comments on Facebook.  If you are planning to sign up, information pills do it now. Also – the details on an in house competition, find called “Death By Barbell” are coming…   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Hang Snatch 5 sets of 2, 65-70% of 1RM Snatch from just above the knee (Position 2).  Try to hang onto the bar for both reps, but if you can’t, that’s ok, just drop and do another hang snatch. Conditioning AMRAP 8 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65 As many reps as possible in 8 minutes.  A the top of every minute, including the first, do 20 doubleunders.
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I have a challenging WOD planned for 10am.  At least, medicine it looks challenging to me.  I will post a similar WOD at 9 (the rep scheme will be the same) but the movements will be simplified.  But I won’t know what it will be until I see your smiling faces. Workout of the Day 15-12-9 Clean and Jerk 135/95 Handstand Pushup Load bar to 185/115 then, 15-12-9 Front Squat 185/115 Chest to Bar Pullup Load bar to 225/155, then Deadlift 225/155 Bar Facing Burpee The clock does not stop until all 3 couplets are complete.  I guess you can rest while you change out your weights…  
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I’ll be keeping an eye out for local competitions.  Comps are fun ways for the community to get out there and display our fitness.  But all competitions are not created equal.  First, generic they are normally all day affairs – look for comps that post an ending time – even if they don’t quite meet it, # dosage at least they are thinking about getting you out of there.  On a couple occasions, I have been exercising competitively at 9 O’Clock at night – no bueno.  Second, you want to have a general idea of what you are getting into.  Recommended weights and skills being posted by the gym help that a great deal.  Third, ask me.  I’ve been doing this long enough that I know most of the folks that are doing the comps, or at least I will know someone who does. I just found one at Brethren...
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A Look Back at the 2014 Open: Part 1 from CFG Analysis.  I love Anders’ stuff.  Usually the comments sections get some great Q&A, view so I always end up checking back on his questions and responses.  Smart guys thinking about competitive exercise.  Cool stuff! Today’s WOD is from – a few years back.  I grabbed it from 2010, information pills but it may be older.  It’s a “crash the car” WOD.  Use the 3 Position Clean to get your body ready and open you lungs, rx either by rowing, burpees or running.  Have a good coat of sweat before you start and be ready for your grippers to get tested.  Hook gripping may be your buddy. Trevor played around with the #115 Atlas Stone on Wednesday night. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 Position Clean (Hi Hang, Low Hang, Ground) Conditioning 3 RFT 15 Hang Power Cleans 135/95...
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On Saturday May 3rd, information pills CrossFit Parabellum will be holding a fundraiser for the families of the two fallen CHP officers Juan Gonzalez and Brian Law. CrossFit Oakdale is home to many Law Enforcement and First Responders and this hit quite close to home.  It is a partner WOD. The weights will be announced at the event. There is a minimum donation of $20 and there will be food there from Big Vic’s BBQ for $10 a plate. Registration is online and must be done by this Sunday. You can register HERE. We will be closed that day so we can go down and support. So GO AND FIND A PARTNER AND SIGN UP! Below is the WOD. AMRAP 15 400m Relay 20 Partner Deadlifts 150m Buddy Carry 20 Partner Burpees   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8, malady 60% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP...
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