Competing locally

I’ll be keeping an eye out for local competitions.  Comps are fun ways for the community to get out there and display our fitness.  But all competitions are not created equal.  First, generic they are normally all day affairs – look for comps that post an ending time – even if they don’t quite meet it, # dosage at least they are thinking about getting you out of there.  On a couple occasions, I have been exercising competitively at 9 O’Clock at night – no bueno.  Second, you want to have a general idea of what you are getting into.  Recommended weights and skills being posted by the gym help that a great deal.  Third, ask me.  I’ve been doing this long enough that I know most of the folks that are doing the comps, or at least I will know someone who does.
I just found one at Brethren in San Jose on June 22 that might be good for advanced athletes (for advanced, I would say you were able to complete every Open WOD and post a competitive score).  There is a $1,000 prize for the winner – that means the hard corps crazies will be exercising for money.  Keep an eye out and let me know what you find.
If you are doing ring Handstand Pushups, I hope it’s at the CrossFit Games, not at a local comp on a random Saturday.  True story, Nick Z had bloodshot eyeballs for weeks after doing Ring HSPU in a WOD at the OC Throwdown.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
5 sets of 2, 80% of 1RM
Wallball Shots 20/14
Box Jump 24/20
15 minute cap