
You have put in the work.  You’ve “Milo-ed” for weeks to improve your Cleans, decease you’ve squatted again and again, capsule and you’ve pressed over and over.  You have a strategy and you’ve tested it.  Now is the time to let ‘er rip.  Death By Barbell is Friday! DBB is the workout of the day for CFO, # 60mg but judged heats will begin at 5:30pm.   Workout of the Day “Death By Barbell” 5 RFT 15 Deadlift 12 Hang Cleans 9 Front Squat 6 Push Jerk RX – 135/95, Scaled 95/65 25 minute cap.  Any uncompleted reps will be added to your score.
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Time to register for “Hewell”! $20 donation will be your entry fee. All raffle ticket sales and entry fees go to the family of fallen SPD Officer Scott Hewell.  We have had some items come in from RokFit and Rogue to be raffles off. As well as 2014 Reebok Games items. Please help us make this an event to remember.      Workout of the Day 40-30-20-10 Box Jump 24/20 Pistols (Alternating) Kettlebell Swings 53/35
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Next week is CRAAAZY busy so we thought we would give you a heads up so you can plan your week….you know… because it revolves around CFO, mind right?  Tuesday August 26 – 7:30pm CFO’s Whole30 Challenge Meeting Let’s take 30 days to not cheat, check eat real food and curb our cravings for sugar, clinic fat and salt. We can do this together. Come join Alison to learn more on the Whole30 challenge and how we will be working together to get set on the path to wellness and decreased inflammation.This session is free. The challenge will be:$25 for current CFO Athletes (monthly membership)$50 for challenge only$140 for challenge and 30 days of CrossFit Oakdale Wednesday August 27th – 8pm Customized Hormone Replacement Therapy Over 35 and feeling a bit funky? Come join us to learn more about how women’s hormones work at different stage of life. This seminar is hosted by...
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**** Registration is now available for the Fundraiser in support of the family of Stockton Police Department Officer Scott Hewell. $20 donation for the event. ****   Cindy – perhaps the most simple, pills elegant test of fitness in CrossFit.  Pull, website like this Push, nurse Squat. 5, 10, 15, 20.  The more fit you are the harder it gets. If you are doing Cindy, and you think you are going to crush it, please, do some hand maintenance today.  Shave your calluses the night before the WOD, and if you have a tape plan, be ready to use it.  If you think you may get 15 plus rounds, tape may be a good idea.  Even if you use it early, then rip it off in later rounds, it may provide a protective layer early than can be removed as it starts to bunch up. I recommend setting up a...
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**SCHEDULE CHANGE TO DEATH BY BARBELL*** We had a great time on the Friday Night preliminary round of Death By Barbell. We had originally planned to hold the Finals on Saturday, generic August 23. After giving it some thought, view we want to hold to official Finals on Friday Night from 5:30p to 7:30p. We will allow for makeups on Saturday Morning. So, we would like tot move the Post WOD party to Friday night. Bring something to eat and your favorite adult – or non-adult – beverage. Work your ass off, have a cocktail, cheer your CFO community on, and talk some trash. Milo is on Wednesday.  It is impressive how heavy this is starting to get, but folks are meeting the challenge.  Make that calf heavy! Benchmark WOD on Tuesday – Cindy.  Let’s make some changes on the leaderboard. [youtube] I’ll have some strategy tips tomorrow, but...
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