
Once again, see this will be a shortened week. Normal hours on Monday and Tuesday.  We will Deadlift heavy singles on Tuesday. New Years Eve, # which is Wednesday, tadalafil there will only be one class – at 9am.  Open Gym from 10a-12p. Normal hours on Friday. Thursday is New Year’s Day, and it will be a special WOD.  1 class at 11a – it will be the new gigantic Hero WOD, “Spehar”.  100 heavy thrusters, 100 Chest to Bar pull-ups and 6 miles of running.  Yes, this is a ton of work.  Please come out and share in it with us – you can break it up anyway you like.  You can scale, you can partner up.  Bring a bike, roller skates, a skateboard, a scooter or anything you can thing of to ride as a sub for running. [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat, Week...
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Classes at 9am and 10am – the WOD is a little bit different – a relatively light Deadlift with a moderately heavy Overhead Squat.  This is not something we do often – the limiting factor will be your OHS.  You should use 1 bar for this, no rx unless you have number on the OHS that will provide very little response. Workout of the Day Skill Clean and Jerk Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes Conditioning 3 RFT 21 Deadlift 185/125 7 Overhead Squats 185/125 We will have to discuss how to do this – to get the bar into a good position to OHS. If there is time after at 10am, I would like to do 3 RFT 400m run 20 Clean and Jerks 95/65
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Sorry about the late post – we were out making merry.  Normal Friday schedule tomorrow.  We hope you had a Merry Christmas! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes Conditioning 5 RFT Parking Lot Run 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Box Jumps 24/20
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CrossFit Oakdale will have 1 class at 9am on Wednesday, this and then Open Gym from 10a to 12p. We will be closed on Thursday – Christmas Day. We will have a normal schedule on Friday and Saturday. For today’s WOD, if you can do Muscle Ups but 35 total is aggressive, scale the number.  3 or 4 per round is good place to start.  If you just have MU, even doing 1 per round is an excellent way to develop them under fatigue. If you don’t have MU, sub Burpee Pullups 1 for 1. Workout of the Day “Tyler” 5 RFT 7 Muscle Ups 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
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For the Deadlift, buy information pills the protocol is the same as last week – 3 quick, purchase heavy singles.  Focus on a perfect set up, pulling with your chest up, and accelerating that bar off the floor. If your back is still a little spicy from last week, keep it lighter than last week – think like 80%.  But if it feels good, go heavy.  We will begin a strength protocol next week. [youtube] If you choose to add weight to your walking lunges, this is a pretty good description, especially on how to pick the damn thing up. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift, 1.1.1 In 20 minutes, build to a heavy set for the day of 3 quick Deadlift singles Conditioning AMRAP 15 20 Doubleunders 10 Walking Lunge Steps 5 Pullups The Pullups go up by 5 each round, so the 2nd round is: 20 Doubleunders...
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