
Friday’s WOD is from and is reminiscent of “Death By Barbell.”  The weight is light enough that you may think you CAN and SHOULD go unbroken early – please do the math.  There are 60 total Hang Clean and Jerks – yes they are light, # 100mg but if you finish doing singles, visit web you probably should have broken the sets up earlier.  In my head, dosage I am going to attempt all Thrusters UB, and all sets of Snatches with a big UB set, probably 3 then 3 quick singles. To me, the first set of Hang Clean and Jerks may be done unbroken, but you will quickly need to think about using small sets – I am thinking 3s – once the rounds start to add up. DON’T FORGET Saturday is the skills session 8:30-9:30am, 9:30am-10am WOD. 10 AM is a monster mash. Workout of the Day 5...
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Remember the Skills Clinic is Saturday at 8:30am. And don’t forget to sign up for the CrossFit Games Open.  I always have more to say on this, information pills but it is a great test of fitness and benchmark.  And this year, # dosage with the scaled division, site there are less reasons to not participate. Here is my challenge to you: try to earn a top 3 score in the gym.  The best scores will help CrossFit Oakdale qualify a team for the next level of competition.  We have a stable of great athletes – there is every reason we should have competitive year.  Do your best to push us to the highest score we can earn. Workout of the Day 5 Rounds for Reps 1 minute at each station, FGB-style Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP) 75/55 Wallball Shot 20/14 Burpee Rest Score is total reps completed
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Don’t forget about the Skills Clinic Saturday morning.  The main subject for review are: Doubleunders, help Pullups/Hanging Movements, Handstand/Pressing Movements Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat, 5RM In 20 minutes, build to a heavy set of 5 Back Squats.  Use no more than 5-6 sets to get there, as this can be a lot of heavy reps Conditioning AMRAP 15 40 Doubleunders 30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Parking Lot Run        
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A note on the Deadlift Things are, check and should, page be getting very heavy.  If you have been adding weight each week, you are likely over your starting weight and may even be approaching maxes.  This is great.  DO NOT get wrapped around the axle if you are not hitting your intended number.  If you are working at or close to 90% of your 1RM, you probably doing fine.  The purpose of this exercise and progression is to build confidence pulling heavy objects off the floor.  The intent is to do this every time with a perfect, safe set up and a fast, smooth pull. A ratchet is NOT a fast, smooth pull.  The weight should be heavy – but if you are moving in a herky, jerky manner – you are not moving safely and smoothly. I spent a few minutes looking at bad Deadlifts on the internet. ...
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CrossFit Oakdale will be holding a Skills clinic on this coming Saturday.  We will begin at 8:30am and run until 10am.  This is YOUR chance to work on skills CrossFit/basic gymnastic related skills.  The topics will be: Doubleunders, # 40mg Hanging Movements (pull-ups and toes to bar), and Pressing Movements (Handstand stuff).  This will be a great opportunity to get some one on one coaching, and slow down to get  abetter understanding of the movements. We are on week 7 of 8 on the Deadlift.  We will begin a Back Squat 5RM progression on Wednesday.  We will begin a Pressing cycle next week. I have added a minute to the Beast Builder – that means 10 total reps each minute.  Be smart on the weight you use, as this will likely be no joke. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Beast Builder, Version 3 OTM for 9 Minute 1: 9 Hang...
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