Saturday Skills Session is for everyone!

Friday’s WOD is from and is reminiscent of “Death By Barbell.”  The weight is light enough that you may think you CAN and SHOULD go unbroken early – please do the math.  There are 60 total Hang Clean and Jerks – yes they are light, # 100mg but if you finish doing singles, visit web you probably should have broken the sets up earlier.  In my head, dosage I am going to attempt all Thrusters UB, and all sets of Snatches with a big UB set, probably 3 then 3 quick singles.
To me, the first set of Hang Clean and Jerks may be done unbroken, but you will quickly need to think about using small sets – I am thinking 3s – once the rounds start to add up.
DON’T FORGET Saturday is the skills session 8:30-9:30am, 9:30am-10am WOD. 10 AM is a monster mash.
Workout of the Day
12 Hang Clean and Jerks
9 Thrusters
6 Power Snatch
Men – 115, Ladies – 75