Friday’s WOD is from and is reminiscent of “Death By Barbell.” The weight is light enough that you may think you CAN and SHOULD go unbroken early – please do the math. There are 60 total Hang Clean and Jerks – yes they are light, # 100mg but if you finish doing singles, visit web you probably should have broken the sets up earlier. In my head, dosage I am going to attempt all Thrusters UB, and all sets of Snatches with a big UB set, probably 3 then 3 quick singles.
To me, the first set of Hang Clean and Jerks may be done unbroken, but you will quickly need to think about using small sets – I am thinking 3s – once the rounds start to add up.
DON’T FORGET Saturday is the skills session 8:30-9:30am, 9:30am-10am WOD. 10 AM is a monster mash.
Workout of the Day
12 Hang Clean and Jerks
9 Thrusters
6 Power Snatch
Men – 115, Ladies – 75