
If you are anything like us, you are geeking out on the leaderboard right now. Definitively, (at the moment of 8:24 pm) we have 5 athletes moving forward to the Quarterfinals! Though not for lack of effort – Big props to Austin T who repeated the workout at the 11th hour. Denny – 45-49 – 106th out of 7,705 99th Percentile – Best Event – 75th in 21.3 Brian – 40-44 – 687th out of 11,585 – 94th Percentile – Best Event- 574th in 21.4 Jack O – Men – 5,238th out of 73,589 – 93rd Percentile – Best Event – 4,220 in 21.4 June – 60-64- 108th out of 1,457 93rd Percentile– Best event – 45th in 21.2 Brooke – 40-44- 843rd out of 9,584 – 91st Percentile – Best Event 795 in 21.3 We will have more to say about all of this, but just know if you...
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We have one day left of phase one of the 2021 CrossFit Games Open. If you plan on redoing 21.3/4, please come correct. The workout is a time, equipment and space pig. If you plan to re-do, please have a judge on standby. There is time available tomorrow, but let us know ASAP so we can plan our day. We are gonna keep the training cycle the same until we complete the quarterfinals the weekend of 9 April. We have a few folks in the hunt for advancing to the quarterfinals, so we will do this together. That means we all do the workouts – fun! This guy came to the rescue and then crushed 21.3 and 21.4. Thanks for being an all around awesome guy and athlete, Damon! AMRAP 2030 Doubleunders15 Kettlebell Swings 53/3510 Burpees with a jump over KB
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Text your rig spot to 209-345-4380 and we will get you in a heat for tomorrow. Massages are on the table again too! Open 21.3 and 21.4 For total time: • 15 front squats• 30 toes-to-bars• 15 thrustersRest 1 min. •15 front squats• 30 chest-to-bar pull-ups• 15 thrustersRest 1 min. • 15 front squats• 30 bar muscle-ups• 15 thrusters ♀ 65 lb. ♂ 95 lb. Time cap: 15 min Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3. ME in 7 min 1 Dead lift 1 Clean 1 Hang Clean 1 Jerk
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I texted this from a gas station off I-5 at like 5pm after hearing the workout. 21.3 – Break it up early and often. You will burn up your legs. The workout for a large percentage is going to be: can you get into and knock out the Bar Muscle Ups. Plan that accordingly. 5’s for literally everything is what I recommend. 21.4 – Lift to your weakness. If you have a great jerk, but can’t clean, you are lifting to your clean. Same goes for he clean. If your jerk sucks, that’s what you are doing. Hook GripWear weightlifting shoesWarm up – I would do a ton of slow building on the deadlift/squat clean/jerk. Lots of barbell and light movements, always squatting your cleans. Unless you really suck at squatting, you should squat clean your lifts. If you came to Denny’s Friday weightlifting, give yourself a pat on the...
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Please be aware we are going through a parking lot overhaul. Please park on the street by TL Davis and walk up to the gym for the time being. Extra fitness. I had programmed a parking lot run as part of Thursday’s workout but I have made an adjustment…let’s pull the boxes back out. As for equipment – if you check the equipment list for the Open, the last remaining times are a barbell with standard weights and a bar for common kipping movements…thrusters and pullups? Get your guesses in – WOD is announced tomorrow at 12pm PST. If you won’t be in the gym in the morning, text your guess to 209-345-4380. Current Standings – (individual points have been added to the team boards) Team Mando – 290 Points Cirque du Sore Legs – 260 Points Mom Jeans & Power Cleans – 227 Points Easy points with a CrossFit...
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