If you are anything like us, you are geeking out on the leaderboard right now. Definitively, (at the moment of 8:24 pm) we have 5 athletes moving forward to the Quarterfinals! Though not for lack of effort – Big props to Austin T who repeated the workout at the 11th hour.
Denny – 45-49 – 106th out of 7,705 99th Percentile – Best Event – 75th in 21.3
Brian – 40-44 – 687th out of 11,585 – 94th Percentile – Best Event- 574th in 21.4
Jack O – Men – 5,238th out of 73,589 – 93rd Percentile – Best Event – 4,220 in 21.4
June – 60-64- 108th out of 1,457 93rd Percentile– Best event – 45th in 21.2
Brooke – 40-44- 843rd out of 9,584 – 91st Percentile – Best Event 795 in 21.3
We will have more to say about all of this, but just know if you participated at all, you should be doing the quarterfinals with them.

Workout of the Day
Back Pause Squat for Load
5 Sets of 3 at 70% of 1RM
“Leg Stamina”
3/3, 6/6, 9/9…
Med Ball Clean
Toes to Bar