So, this web tomorrow’s WOD is a Fight Gone Bad, sick or FGB, stomach style WOD. A minute at each station, with a minute of rest after each round. 2 relatively easy movements followed by a heavy bar. The general idea is to work as hard a possible until you get to the heavy bar, and worker harder. Move safely and well, but this should be an excellent opportunity to choose the wrench. Instead of coasting home with 6 or 7 single deadlifts, grab that bar, lock in that back and pull ’til you can’t pull no more. Of course, scale the DL to your ability. If you can do more than 25 in a minute, it’s too light. [youtube] K-Star says “Start Like You Finish” Workout of the Day 5 Rounds for reps, 1 minute at each station Box Jump 24/20 Hand Release Pushup Deadlift 275/185 Rest 1...
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