
It is another Benchmark Tuesday. This WOD is CLASSIC. If you are looking to get your score on the board, adiposity tell the coach of your class. They will be able to validate your movement. We are looking for full range of motion on the squat, try chest must touch the deck(no need to release your hands) and full extension at the top of the pushup and chin OVER the bar on each and every pull-up. We love legit movement! Workout of the Day “Cindy” 20m AMRAP 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats
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We have finished up the 4 week strength cycle and will have some fun lifting heavy weights this week. Monday is max effort snatch, cheapest Wednesday is max effort overhead squat and Friday is max effort clean and jerk.  For the benchmark on Tuesday, information pills we will do the absolute classic, information pills “Cindy.”  Please scale appropriately, but if you can do pull-ups, you should give it a shot RX.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch In 30 minute build to a max effort snatch. This is a lot of time so warm up appropriately. Conditioning 10 RFT 25 Double Unders 10 Burpees 15min cap 
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Watching Regionals has got me feeling Randy – so let’s honor Randy Simmons. Between the 9am and 10am classes 1 will do a quick Rope Climb Clinic.  If you are really goo at climbing ropes, erectile come on.  If you have never climbed a rope, purchase now is your chance.  I do suggest long pants or socks.  The Reebok Nanos which are oh so popular are actually excellent for climbing ropes.  If you learn the scoop and stomp method, you can effectively climb a rope with out getting burns.  But it takes some practice. The clinic will take about 20 minutes. Workout of the Day Max Effort Muscle Snatch This might feel a little weird, You’ll see. “Randy” 75 Power Snatch 75/55
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On June 13th we will be headed to the Oakdale High school Aquatic Center to get our Swim WOD on. Please make sure to RSVP on Facebook if you are coming. If you just “LIKE” the idea of a Swim WOD but won’t be able to make it, pilule do not RSVP.  But if you “LIKE” it, website like this you should come. In order to stay ahead of the game, please text @cfoakdale to 81010. This will put you on our reminder list.  Spots are filling up for the August 15th competition, Summer Slam “7’s”. Registration is open for the RX, Scaled and Masters Divisions.  We are power cleaning on Friday – Check out this CrossFit Journal article and corresponding video – you may hear a few familiar terms. Workout of the Day Strength 5×2 Hang Power Cleans – approx 70% of 1RM 4×3 Back Squat – approx 70%...
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So, this web tomorrow’s WOD is a Fight Gone Bad, sick or FGB, stomach style WOD.  A minute at each station, with a minute of rest after each round.  2 relatively easy movements followed by a heavy bar.  The general idea is to work as hard a possible until you get to the heavy bar, and worker harder.  Move safely and well, but this should be an excellent opportunity to choose the wrench.  Instead of coasting home with 6 or 7 single deadlifts, grab that bar, lock in that back and pull ’til you can’t pull no more. Of course, scale the DL to your ability.  If you can do more than 25 in a minute, it’s too light. [youtube] K-Star says “Start Like You Finish” Workout of the Day 5 Rounds for reps, 1 minute at each station Box Jump 24/20 Hand Release Pushup Deadlift 275/185 Rest 1...
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