
No better way to get ready to Snatch than to watch Pyrros Dimas The CrossFit LiftOff is in 2 weeks – it’s a max Snatch and max Clean and Jerk with a Conditioning WOD.  There are weight classes and it sounds like a ton of fun.  We have done some excellent Olympic lifting complexes in the past 2 months, drug and I look forward to the LiftOff. What CrossFit has not announced is the format for the event: how much time you get for each attempt, if it can be done over multiple days.  We know virtually nothing, excellent you will get to lift heavy. In the lead up, we will test the Snatch on Monday and the Clean and Jerk on Wednesday.  Additionally, on Saturday at 10, will will test them together, as it’s tougher to hit that heavy Clean and Jerk after you have maxed out the Snatch. ...
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CrossFit at 9 and 10 – the WOD is 13.1, ambulance the combination of 12.1 and 12.2.  12.1 was 7 minutes of Burpees to Touch (as fun as it sounds) and 12.2 was a pretty fun 10 minute Snatch ladder.  So 13.1 smashed them together – 17 minutes of Burpees and a Snatch ladder.  I’m not going to lie, it is one of the more challenging WODs I have ever done.  I don’t think I have done it since the Open in 2013, and that’s probably for a reason.  There is lots of strategy involved, it’s pretty technical and the jumps, especially 75 to 135, are dramatic.  Drink water, get some sleep, eat a healthy breakfast with a strong cup of coffee and be ready to chew through concrete. Workout of the Day AMRAP 17 40 Burpees to a 6″ Touch 30 Snatch 45/75 30 Burpees to a 6″ Touch...
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  In 2 weeks the 2015 CrossFit Lift Off will take place. On November 5th they will release the timed workout that will accompany the two Max Effort lifts – the Clean & Jerk and the Snatch. There will be weight classes – so you will be competing with people your own size. That is what we always want, order right? More information can be found HERE. You can sign up online for $10.    Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, nurse Week 4 of 4 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Cleans 2 Jerks Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex.  For the Hang Clean, squat or power is fine.  For the Jerks, Split or Push is fine.  The goal is to complete this complex as an unbroken set, but if you drop, just quickly pick it up and...
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Hero WOD for Greg Rahoi on Thursday.  This is the only WOD that is dedicated to an FBI agent.  Greg was a member of the FBI’s most elite unit, story the Hostage Rescue Team.  These guys are like CrossFit Games athletes with guns. Another thing on the Rahoi WOD – I am planning a deadlift version for the Franniversary.  Consider yourself warned. Workout of the Day “Rahoi” AMRAP 12 12 Box Jumps 24/20 6 Thruster 95/65 6 Bar Facing Burpees
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We have performed our little Handstand familiarity a few times now over the past 2 months.  Athletes have gotten upside down for the first time, # 100mg been more solid getting upside down, no rx and more athletes are walking on their hands, site even if for a step or 2 at a time.  This is a great development, and we will continue to work this every week. For those that missed this days, all we did was a 7 minute OTM of Handstand work of your choice: walks, holds, climbs, or static holds on the box. But every once and a while you want to really test your training.  So, nothing crazy, but we’ll use a similar OTM format in a WOD.  I haven’t programmed a Handstand Push Up WOD in a few weeks, and I’m interested to see how, and if, the HSPU has improved with just doing...
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