
  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, look Week 3 of 6 Back Squat Take 12 minutes to build to a heavy 3.  You may add 5-10# from your previous efforts.  Once you hit the weight, drug drop 20 pounds and perform 2 sets of 5. Conditioning For 16 minutes – score is total number of T2B Even minutes: 20 seconds Handstand hold/40′ Handstand walk Odd minutes: 40 seconds of Toes to Bar Use the reminder of time in each minute to rest/transition. 
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The standards video will be posted tomorrow evening – we have a few more movements to cover. The final heat schedule will be emailed out this evening.  December is going to be an exciting month: December 5th – Franniversary IV :Girls Gone Bad with D-Meat Barrel on site for food (bring your cash) December 12th – Ladies Holiday Bunco – Sign up here! December 19th  – CFO Christmas Party at CrossFit Oakdale – RSVP Here. This is possibly our PREMIERE event of the year. $10 for dinner for adults and $5 for kids. $25 max on the White Elephant. Kids White Elephant is a $10 max.     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, sildenafil Week 3 of 6 Clean and Jerks, more about 2 OTM for 7 Take 10 minutes to built to approximately 70% of 1RM (or more if you are comfortable). Conditioning With a 10 minute clock Clean...
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CrossFit at 9a and 10a.  At 10a, more about we will do a 15 minute lifting session from whatever is pulled out of the hat.  Possibilities are: deadlift, back squat, front squat, bench press, push press, clean. Workout of the Day 50-35-20 Wallball Shots 20/14 Pullups Doubleunders
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***9am class on Friday(11.27) ONLY!*** Thanksgiving 2015 is in the books. Bring on Christmas! With the end of Thanksgiving comes Black Friday! Check out our Black Friday Deals. These prices are Friday and Saturday ONLY. ** Intro Sessions plus 1 month of unlimited CrossFit for $150 ($300 value limited quantity available) **$100 gift certificates for $75 ** 10 class punch card for $99 (reg. $135) ** 5 class punch card for $49 (reg. $75) Preorders for the sweatshirts will go until Wednesday at 12pm. Ladies “Maniac”, physician Men’s Zip hoodie and pullover hoodie. These are Alternative Earth sweatshirts. MUST be paid for by Wednesday at noon if you want a specific size and color. I will be ordering extra ones, doctor but in the charcoal color. Workout of the Day Partner WOD 400m Run 50 Power Clean 135/95 400m Run 50 Front Squats135/95 400m Run 50 Shoulder To Overhead135/95    
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This is our last post until after Thanksgiving…or at least until after we stuff our faces with comfy, look home cooked goodness.  We are so Thankful for everyone who walks into CrossFit Oakdale. Your positive attitudes, happy smiles, and consistent off the wall/slightly in the gutter humor makes our day. We love the brightness that comes to everyone’s faces when PR’s are hit. You are humble and proud.  We are humbled by your effort and enthusiasm. Happy Thanksgiving! Workout of the Day “Cindy XXX” Complete as much as possible in 20 minutes of: 10 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 Squats 15 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 45 Squats 20 Pull-ups 40 Push-ups 60 Squats 25 Pull-ups 50 Push-ups 75 Squats 30 Pull-ups 60 Push-ups 90 Squats
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