Thursday’s workout is what I call the Snatch Game. After a few years of lifting heavy, cure just hitting numbers isn’t always the most fun. To keep it interesting, story I like to play little games. Like how heavy can I go without hook grip, or lifting shoes, or a belt. I don’t really suggest this stuff for everyone, but I like to change it it, even just a little to keep it fresh. One of my favorite “games” is taking 20 minutes to Snatch. On the minute, I do a lift. If I make it, I add 10 pounds. If I miss, I drop 20. This takes some strategy, but don’t overthink it. Yes, if you start at 95, by minute 20 you should be lifting 295. Generally, this goes pretty smooth by minute 10, then by minute 12 to 15, I get into PR territory. Instead of going...
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