
CrossFit at 9am and 10am.  I would like to do some Rope Climb work at 10am.  Just 10 minutes or so – if you would like to clim ropes, ampoule wear long pants and socks you can pull up. Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 5 Ring Dips 10 Toes to Bar 15 Box Jumps 24/20 After some rest 100 Calorie Row 200 Doubleunders
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Next week is the first WOD of the Open. It is exciting times in a CrossFit Gym. The WOD is announced at 5pm on Thursday night and our hearts will be racing to see what we will be challenged with.  While we had a few PR’s today on the snatch, story we ALWAYS see PR’s in the Open. This is our chance to check our training progress. The Open is why we burpee. (Props to those who hit 100 burpees today with no prior notice…and didn’t leave after they found out the conditioning part of today’s WOD.) There may be a few of you with the thoughts of – I am not going to the Games so why sign up? Well I (Alison) am not going to the Games and I have signed up. There is magic in our community. There is fun in the pomp and circumstance. And there are personal...
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Thursday’s workout is what I call the Snatch Game.  After a few years of lifting heavy, cure just hitting numbers isn’t always the most fun.  To keep it interesting, story I like to play little games.  Like how heavy can I go without hook grip, or lifting shoes, or a belt.  I don’t really suggest this stuff for everyone, but I like to change it it, even just a little to keep it fresh.  One of my favorite “games” is taking 20 minutes to Snatch.  On the minute, I do a lift.  If I make it, I add 10 pounds.  If I miss, I drop 20.  This takes some strategy, but don’t overthink it.  Yes, if you start at 95, by minute 20 you should be lifting 295.  Generally, this goes pretty smooth by minute 10, then by minute 12 to 15, I get into PR territory.  Instead of going...
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The Open is upon us and we are excited to go on a field trip! On Friday March 4th we will be headed up to CrossFit Sonora for some Friday Night Lights type of event. We will be doing 16.2 up there  and they will come down the next Friday and compete with us on our turf (lol…sounds really tough, there right?) Sign up for the Open HERE. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift Build to a Heavy 5 – If it feel’s good go up 5-10# from last week. Conditioning 800m Run 75 Chest to Bar Pullups** 800m Run **If you are not out by the 12 min mark, Go RUN!
Read more has it’s first new website in 15 years.  That’s pretty cool. Tuesday we will be re-testing a CrossFit Games Open WOD.  This is a big boy test, buy more about and maybe the best one CrossFit has done to date.  It appeared as 12.4 and 13.3.  If you are fit, you will get through the wall balls.  If you are really fit and have the ability when fatigued, you will get through the wall balls and doubleunders. If you can get a Muscleup, you are an exercise badass.  If you can get 30,  all in under 12 minutes, you may sprout wings and fly. Now, I have a ton of confidence most of you will complete the wall ball.  You know you can do 15 on the minute and still have time to knock out 90 doubleunders.  That should give you a few seconds to get your first muscle...
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