
Don’t forget – the CrossFit Oakdale Open Door Competition is Saturday – 5 minutes of Cindy (5 Pullups, drugs 10 Pushups, look 15 squats), 5 minutes to establish a Snatch, 5 minutes of Cindy, 5 minutes to establish a Clean and Jerk.  The standards on Cindy are the basic CrossFit standards – chin over the bar on the pull-ups, chest to the ground and full extension on the push up, and below parallel and full extension at the top of the squat.  We expect people to move fast and we understand this may be difficult to judge.  These are the standards – we are not interested in your buttlerfly to eye level, worm ups and good morning/air squat hybrid.  Meathead Monday!!! As many of you know, every Monday is international Chest and Tri’s day.  In honor, we max effort Bench Press on Monday! This will be followed by max effort...
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CrossFit at 9am and 10am.  We’ll have one WOD with Muscle Ups.  This can be easily scaled, approved so don’t let that scare you. Workout of the Day 3 RFT 120 Doubleubders 10 Clean and Jerks 145/100 8 Muscle Ups Rest 3 minutes between rounds
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The Open is officially over. There is no 16.6.  What is an Athlete in the prime of their season to do? Scaled, buy RX or Masters alike can find solace in the upcoming Open Door Series on April 9th. Only 8 days away.  The WOD will be the “CrossFit Oakdale TOTAL.”  “The CrossFit Oakdale TOTAL” 20 minute running clock 5 Min AMRAP “Cindy” 5 Pullups(Scaled Kettlebell Swings 53/35) 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 5 Min to Establish 1RM Snatch 5 Min AMRAP “Cindy” 5 Pullups (Scaled Kettlebell Swings 53/35) 10 Pushups 15 Air Squats 5 Min to Establish 1RM Clean & Jerk There will be prizes for “Cindy” score, individual lifts, and total lifts.  There are still spots available in each division. Registration is Open – SIGN UP! If you are  not up to competing, we would love judges! Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 5 Deadlift 275/185 10 Pistols (alternating)...
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Top performers for 16.5 Men Chance 12:29, ed Brian 13:24, help Paul G 13:35 Ladies Sarah 12:35, Gina 16:03, Alison 17:37 CFO OG Paul G makes his first appearance on the top 3!  Imagine if he worked out with us! Sarah continued to dominate, but look out for Gina!  Gina took second in the gym on the final two (and the most gut churning) workouts of the Open.  Now, I have to mention that Denny didn’t get in the workout on time due to Easter travel, but threw down a CFO record of 10:48 in the back corner of the gym on Tuesday.  That is world class!  Imagine how fast you would have gone if BMB was yelling “DOWN!!!” on every rep? Another major shout out to June, who not only qualified for the next level of the CrossFit Games, but did so by putting up a world class score...
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Brian will be doing a Open rundown this week, find but before that even happens, we wanted you to know that June has qualified for the next level of the CrossFit Games for her age division – the Masters Online Regionals! 170th in the WORLD. The WORLD.  Great job June! We are excited to be along for the next leg of your journey.  Denny completed 16.5 today…beyond the deadline, but exceptional non the less. His score was 10:48 RX. Gym record beyond a doubt. That would have put in 62nd place out of 11,000 Masters Men in the WORLD. THE WORLD.  More to come but I just couldn’t keep that in.    Workout of the Day 21-15-9-6-3 Power Snatch 75/55 Toes to Bar Box Jump 24/20 20 minute cap  
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