
Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, pharmacy The Cube, more about Week 3 of 9 Deadlift 3 sets of 8, purchase 60% of 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 10 Parking Lot Run 5 Deadlift 185/115
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Masters Qualifier Workout 3 is a Grip-a-palooza.  On the DU, hospital if you squeeze the handles, think about relaxing your grip an letting your wrists do the work.  At 15 Chest to Bar Pullups, I strongly recommend breaking early and often.  Sets of 3-5 with 5 seconds rest will keep you moving, but may keep boner arms at bay.  But USE THE CLOCK.  Your counting seconds to rest is a liar.  I know mine is. Finally, on the Hang Cleans, the hook grip is essential.  I will do everything I can to keep these unbroken.  Experience tells me this is the “easy” part of the workout.  It’s not too heavy and will go by pretty quick if you stick to what you know how to do. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 Position Clean Mid Thigh Hang, Knee Hang, Floor Work this for 15 minutes.  We will do a lot...
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So, tadalafil this is week 3 of the Cube – everything rotates, web but our percentages stay the same.  We will do the Master’s Qualifier Triplet (DU/C2B/HPC) on Tuesday with some work on the 3 Position Clean. I have a super good workout from Denny’s weekend with OPEX planned for Saturday. On on the Master’s Qualifier front – congrats to June who got her first Ring Dip!  And then pushed her way on to 7 more. Great energy! Take note of June.  She is smart, comes in very consistently, warms up seriously, knows her limitations, and yet pushes as close as possible to the edge.  Through this consistency, she has been able to stay relatively healthy and fit – even as a more “seasoned” athlete. You are a great example June! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill The Cube, Week 3 of 9 Bench Press Build to a set of 8-12...
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On Saturday, view we will perform Master’s Qualifier 4.  It’s a higher skill workout and will allow us to work on Muscle Ups.  Just like before, transition, jumping, bar, or whatever works for you. Workout of the Day For time 55 Bar Facing Burpees 34 Overhead Squat 95/64 21 Muscle Ups 20 minute time cap
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The CrossFit Games Master’s Qualifier is live.  Wish June the best as she throws down with the fittest athletes in the world. Guess what?  The WODs are good.  We’ll test them – the Muscle Up WOD on Saturday and the DU/C2B/Hang Clean on Monday. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, no rx The Cube, for sale Week 2 of 9 Back Squat 1 set of 8 to 12, 70% of 1RM Conditioning 21-15-9 Row for Calories Thruster 95/65 We only have 4 rowers – this should be a fast one.  We’ll run in heats – 10 minute cap.
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