Alison and I sit down every Sunday and write out the workouts for the week. Every once in a while, healing I’ll have a big space to fill, dosage and Alison will say “what about King of Prussia?” You may ask, ed what the hell is King of Prussia? Well, it’s a really nice town in the “Main Line” suburbs of Philadelphia, where my parents live. It’s significant because in 2010 we went back there and did a workout at CrossFit Kind of Prussia, or KoP. KoP is a great gym in an old movie theater. They host the L1 seminar and Aimee Powers, the owner and coach is both a great athlete and coach. We dropped in there on a very hot, muggy Philly summer day. I had been doing CrossFit for a while, and was seeking out challenges. Alison had been CrossFit for over a year and was...
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