
It’s shortened week, more about and we have a lot of lifting to get in.  We’ll do our Back Squat work on Tuesday, online Snatch on Wednesday, Front Squat on Thursday and Clean and Jerk on Friday. I will explain each lifting session before we do it. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat, Week 2 of 6 5 sets of 3 We started at 65% of 1RM last week.  If your working weight is over 200#, add 10# to last weeks effort.  If under, add 5#. Conditioning Death by Burpee and Toes to Bar In the first minute, perform 1 Burpee and 1 Toes to Bar.  Add 1 rep of each movement each minute.  Keep building until you cannot complete the worked in a required minute. Scale as needed.  If you can’t get out of the 6th minute – rest a minute and begin again.
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CrossFit at 9 and 10.  I am eyeing “1776” as the hero WOD for Monday, recipe July 4. Workout of the Day AMRAP 12 12 Chest to Bar Pullups 8 Deadlift 245/165 12 Handtsand Pushups 8 Deadlift 245/165
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Saturday, what is ed August 27th 2016 Register HERE on Heavyweight (RX) Male and Female Intercontinental (Scaled) Male and Female Hardcore (Masters 40+ RX) Male and Female The Comeback (Masters 40+ Scaled) Male and Female   Heavyweight (RX) Male and Female Event 1 For Time 11 -Squat Cleans 135/95 7 Squat Cleans 185/115 5 Squat Cleans 225/135 3 Squat Cleans 275/155 1 Squat Clean 315/185   Intercontinental (Scaled) Male and Female  For Time 11 -Squat Cleans 95/55 7 Squat Cleans 115/76 5 Squat Cleans 135/95 3 Squat Cleans 155/115 1 Squat Clean 185/135     Hardcore (Masters 40+ RX) Male and Female For Time 11 -Squat Cleans 115/65 7 Squat Cleans 135/85 5 Squat Cleans 155/105 3 Squat Cleans 185/125 1 Squat Clean 205/145     The Comeback (Masters 40+ Scaled) Male and Female For Time 11 -Squat Cleans 65/45 7 Squat Cleans 85/65 5 Squat Cleans 105/75 3 Squat Cleans 125/85 1 Squat Clean 145/105     Event 2 Heavyweight (RX) Male...
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Trying to think cold snowy thoughts since it is ridiculously hot! Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 5 Sets of 3 @ 65% Conditioning Minutes 0-3: 5 Thrusters OTM 75/45 Minutes 3-6: 5 Thrusters OTM 95/65 Minutes 6-9: 5 Thrusters OTM 115/75 Minutes 9-12: 5 Thrusters OTM 135/85 Minutes 12-15: 5 Thrusters OTM 155/100 Minutes 15-18: 5 Thrusters OTM 185/115 Minutes 18-21: 5 Thrusters OTM 205/135
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On Sunday we will be floating the river as a group. If you have a kayak, click SUP, sildenafil tube or any other river craft, COME ALONG! We will be meeting at the Horseshoe Bar Recreation Area and getting out somewhere down the river, to be decided by the River leaders:) Please make sure you have everything you need – life jackets, raft/oars, food and drink. We stop a few times to eat/drink and play around.  Please RSVP either on Facebook or on the board at the gym. There will be no Open Gym on Sunday. Monday, July 4th, we will be having a 9am class ONLY. No Kids classes that day.  NEXT Saturday, the 9th, we will head to the Oakdale High School Aquatic Center to WOD in the water. We will meet there at 9am.  Please RSVP either on Facebook or on the board at the gym. Workout of the Day...
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