
One of the best parts of CrossFit is the friendly competition.  The sense of community, for sale of working hard together, of getting your limits pushed in a friendly, safe way is what makes the training method, and to a degree, the sport of CrossFit, fun. Yes, it can be not fun.  People can take it very seriously and can suck the fun out of the room in their quest for exercise greatness.  I hope that when people come to CrossFit Oakdale, they get an understanding that we believe in working hard, the right way.  To me, that means a sense of fun with all the sweating and grunting.  It means taking IT serious without taking YOURSELF too serious. When people let go of all those expectations and just be, it can be magical. I think we saw that at SummerSlam in out women’s RX finals.  We had 4 serious...
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We have so much to say about yesterday’s competition – but there is no rushing our true feelings:) We will give a rundown tomorrow about the competition.  Really quick tho- make sure you give major kudos to those CFO Athletes who competed this weekend! High Fives go out to: June, shop Patty, Sarah, Blake, Jack, Tim, & Chance. This week we will Back Squat on Monday, a conditioning WOD with a few Wall Balls on Tuesday, Snatch on Wednesday, Snatch Balance on Thursday and then the Clean Complex on Friday. This will be week 5 of 6. That means next week we will test our Clean & Jerk and Snatch along with the Snatch Balance. We hope you had a fantastic weekend and are ready to TRAIN! Workout of the Day Strength Pause Back Squat 5 Sets of 2 – try to add 5-10# to last weeks effort Conditioning 10...
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Summer Slam is Saturday!  Come one out an cheer on the athletes – we have 50 hardcore pipe hitters ready to lay it down. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Pause Back Squat 5 sets of 2, ampoule 70% of 1RM with a 3 second pause at the bottom. Conditioning AMRAP 20 300m Row (250m for ladies) Parking Lot Run
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I spent about 10 hours of really boring driving – to San Luis Opisbo and back in about 26 hours – broken up by 2 good hamburgers, cheapest a Hampton Inn and a 2 hour interview in a mental institution. I listened to 2 pretty good podcasts – Julie Foucher and Greg Glassman on the way there, and audiocast (which is a podcast form of the TV show) from Frontline on the way back. The Frontline piece was 2 hours on the heroin epidemic.  It was gutwrenching stuff, with interviews from former Attorney General Eric Holder to addicts scoring fixes, dealing drugs and trying to get into rehab.  And everyone involved in the “war on drugs” in between. This is about political as I will get – in this age, when the line between news, journalism and entertainment is getting blurry, we owe it to ourselves to be informed.  In my...
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On Tuesday August 30th we will be having a preliminary meeting to cover the Whole Life Challenge – and why you want to join us in it. This will be our third Whole Life Challenge. The early bird sign up goes until the 5th of September, pill so there will still be some time to make your decision. If you want to learn about it ahead of time, illness you can go to the and read up there. In short, site they have made a game out of living well in all aspects of life. There are three food levels to play at – so fast food junkies have no  fear – you don’t need to gnaw on carrots only for 8 weeks. During the meeting we will cover game play, nutrition basics and the power of community. You can RSVP HERE. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of...
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