Not So Easy Listening

I spent about 10 hours of really boring driving – to San Luis Opisbo and back in about 26 hours – broken up by 2 good hamburgers, cheapest a Hampton Inn and a 2 hour interview in a mental institution.
I listened to 2 pretty good podcasts – Julie Foucher and Greg Glassman on the way there, and audiocast (which is a podcast form of the TV show) from Frontline on the way back.
The Frontline piece was 2 hours on the heroin epidemic.  It was gutwrenching stuff, with interviews from former Attorney General Eric Holder to addicts scoring fixes, dealing drugs and trying to get into rehab.  And everyone involved in the “war on drugs” in between.
This is about political as I will get – in this age, when the line between news, journalism and entertainment is getting blurry, we owe it to ourselves to be informed.  In my opinion, Frontline is still doing real journalism.  If you don’t watch PBS, you can download the audiocasts via iTunes or Stitcher.
The Foucher/Glassman piece was the opposite.  It was uplifting.  I think I will always enjoy Glassman talking and getting any insight in his thought process.  He truly sees CrossFit as a force to change the health of the world and has a plan to get there.  And if he fights corruption along the way, even better.  I am genuinely excited for the future of CrossFit and am proud of the direction Coach wants to take it.
Workout of the Day
5 working sets of Pause Clean/Hang Clean/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk
Use 20 minutes to get this done
10 RFT
7 Toes to Bar
3 Shoulder to Overhead 165/110
14 minute cap
Optional – if you feel like you are going to fly through this, row 1000m to begin the workout.