
I made a slight adjustment to the work we did last week.  This is for a couple reasons.  One – I know people asked after the strength session (power hour?) if they should do more, dosage or breath heavy.  I’m know it’s fine, approved if you are training regularly to have days where you just do strength.  But not everyone comes everyday – I get that.  So there is some breathing thrown in. As far as the breathing workouts.  They are 8-12 minutes of pretty hard effort.  You probably can’t do them at 100%, but starting out at 80-90% of your perceived rate of exertion is a place to start. Also, these are basic, monostructructural sessions.  If you are ever early and want to work really hard for less than 20 minute , these are 3 conditioning options.  Row, run or bike hard. Second.  If you did the 90 Medicine...
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I realize we jumped yesterday, see but the volume is pretty low, pharm and instead of doing 150 box jumps in one WOD, drug we will do 70-ish over 2 days. And really…it’s not the Box Jumps you should be concerned about. Workout of the Day Gymnastics OTM 10 Handstand Practice 20 seconds of work on the minute of your choice: Handstand (HS) Walk – HS with Walk into/out of Wall and Hold – HS Hold with Head or Shoulder Tap – HS Hold Facing Out – Wall Climb and HS Hold Facing In – Plank Conditioning AMRAP 10 30 Box Jump 30/24 60 Shoulder to Overhead135/95 90 Medicine Ball Cleans 20/14
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This week we are going to do our first week of 6 on the Hang Squat Clean Push Press Milo. I would recommend that you keep this pretty light this week. Probably not more that 155# for men and 100# for women as a starting point. That is if you are really confident you can make it all 10 times. Tuesday is our handstand work. Wednesday is our push/pull OTM and we will add some cardio with the lifting. Thursday and Friday are conditioning workouts. For Milo you will get 10 minutes to warm up and it slides into a 10 minute OTM.  Workout of the Day Strength Milo – Hang Squat Clean/Push Press  3 Hang Squat Cleans  2 Push Presses 60% of your 1RM NOT to exceed 155/100 3rd Hang Squat Clean can be a thruster Conditioning Sprint WOD 42 Box Jump and Over 24/20 21 Thrusters 135/95  
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I have some ideas but the meat of tomorrow will be…at 9 and 10… Workout of the Day “Hall” 5RFT 3 Cleans 225/155 Run Parking Lot 10 KB Snatch 53/35, this then switch 10 KB Snatch 53/35
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Workout of the Day 75 Power Snatch 50 Toes to Bar 75 Overhead Squat 50 Toes to Bar Men – 75, try Women – 55
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