
If you made it this far, you must have an amazing friend who wanted to share the gift of fitness with you this year. The $100 gift can be applied only to a drop in fee, punch card or monthly membership. Check out our schedule HERE. Once you have chosen a class, text your name and class time to Alison at 209-345-4380. Then you can head over and fill out our online waiver HERE. If you have any questions – call or text 209-345-4380. We look forward to having you in class! CrossFit Oakdale Alison & Brian Huberty
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Another month – another challenge! This month is the Sand Bag Power Clean and Power Clean + Squat. Power Clean counts as one rep and the next rep is a power clean and after standing up all of the way, you will perform a squat with the sand bag. 12-LABORS-September-Sand-BagDownload
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This month we attack strict pull-ups. What if you don’t have strict pull-ups – YET? You know we can modify EVERYTHING, so let’s go! Hanging Banded Strict Pull-ups Low Banded Strict Pull-ups Toe Assisted Strict Pull-ups Negative Pull-ups Print out your daily guide or follow along on SugarWOD! 12-LABORS-AUGUST-STRICT-PULLUPSDownload
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I never thought of myself as a creature of habitat, but when I started tracking my macros I saw a pattern start to unfold. 2 eggs, 1/2c eggs whites, 200g apples, 1 tsp sesame oil, collagen in my coffee and DONE. Breakfast is ready, and I just have to copy and paste yesterday’s breakfast to today in my macro app. 2 weeks ago that seemed like a lot of food, but now I am finding myself thinking about my next meal rather than finding satisfaction in what I have done. I have not overeaten, but my brain wants more. The challenge for this upcoming week is using patience in eating and finding awareness in satiety. Find the fullness. Or at least find the 80% of capacity. I haven’t seemed to have FOUND that yet. I love to eat food. Unfortunately I have fallen into a habit of eating on the...
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We are finishing up our 2nd week of the nutrition challenge. Hopefully your creativity has been keeping you jazzed about making optimal nutrition choices. I say optimal because the sliding scale of really good food to really bad food is quite subjective and eating a “bad” food doesn’t make you a bad person or knock you off the tracks to your goal of health and fitness. Sometimes you just have the iced coffee, light and sweet, and you move on with your life. They (whoever they are) say that it takes two weeks to form a habit. Habits formed can be new ones or the byproduct of the dissolution of previous not as acceptable habits – quitting smoking, not moving, screen tunnel vision, etc. We have almost made it to a newly formed habit! If you are going strong – CONGRATULATIONS! If you are losing steam, that is normal, acceptable...
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