
Big thanks to Coach Tricia for donating an spot to the weightlifting competition – but let’s up the ante. You can win this entry by purchasing raffle tickets! YAY!! Everybody loves a raffle! All ticket sales will go directly to Coach Sarah in support of her trip to the Nationals in April. We will also be selling Sarah support stickers for $5. The weightlifting seminar is a great way to learn how to wrestle the barbell a little bit more. It is March 15th from 9am-4pm and is $75. Get signed up! On March 16, we will begin our first nutrition challenge of 2020: Into the Zone! During this challenge, you will receive points for learning how to “block” your meals, weighing and measuring your food, and eating in the Zone. We will have an information session on March 9 at 6:30pm. More information to come. The challenge will cost...
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Alison just got back from the CrossFit Level 2 Seminar in Aromas this weekend. She got to hangout with OG CrossFit athletes Pat Barber and Katie Hogan. Then she got to do a big hill run with Dave Castro. I on the other hand had to stay home with the flu. Wash your hands and wear a mask. Workout of the Day AMRAP 12 1 round of Cindy 1 Snatch 155/100 Rest 4 At the 16 minute mark AMRAP 9 50′ Walking Lunge 25 Doubleunders Rest 5 At 30 minutes AMRAP 5 5 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 1 Wall Climb Score is total Reps
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On Friday night at 6:30pm Brooke, Chelsie, Katie, Maegan, Tricia, Victoria and Alison took to the racks to perform their 5RM Overhead Squat. It was such a fun night! So many PR’s – Thank you to everyone who came out to video and support! Katie – 5RM at 75# and PR for 1 at 90# Victoria – 5RM at 90# and PR for 1 at 100# Brooke – PR with 5RM at 135# Chelsie – PR with 5RM at 80# Maegan – PR with a 5RM at 100# So much fun. Come on out and support next Friday! Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 Parking Lot Run 15 Toes to Bar 15 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 Scale accordingly.
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Don’t forget to come and cheer on our ladies at 6:30pm! Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift Establish 5RM Conditioning AMRAP 15 5 Box Jumps 30/24 5 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 Right Hand 5 DB Hang Clean and Jerk 50/35 Left Hand Sprint to Crosswalk and back
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The first week of the Oly Open is a 5RM Overhead Squat – love it! First – you are taking this from the rack. Wear weightlifting shoes and a belt. Play with your grip, but I recommend a fairly narrow grip. Use a grip as narrow as your mobility will allow. The video below is very good – take all the advice he provides. Fill your lungs, push up on the bar and keep a stable stance. If your mobility is good, you should be able to squat whatever you put over your head. Because this is a 5 rep max, you will need to be smart about how many attempts you take. Like the 20 rep max, you don’t want to warm up every 10 pounds. If your goal is 125, I would use bar for 5, 3 at 55, 3 at 655, 3 at 95. Then 2s at...
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