
Tomorrow night – 6:30pm Into The Zone! Briefing in the Annex 🙂 Let’s talk more about what healthy eating habits can do for you! Our challenge will start on March 16th, so get informed on the diet, the rules of the challenge and how you can make some healthy changes. Workout of the Day 45 Thrusters 45 Toes to Bar 45 Power Cleans 45 Chest to Bar Pullups 15m Cap Rest 5 Minutes 30 Squat Clean and Jerks 30 Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 15 Calorie Row 15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 15 Calorie Row 40 Minute Cap – Score is total time. Barbell is 95/65
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Workout of the Day 5 Rounds50 foot walking lunge 10 HS Pushups 50 foot walking lunge 25 foot HS walk
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This Friday evening at 6:30pm, the ladies will be working with a Max 3 Front squats + Shoulder to Overhead. Come and cheer them on! This is a front rack, upper chest, stability lift. Be strong vertically through the squats. The best lift is going to be a split jerk. I would warm up by doing 1-2 squats and a jerk. When you get close to your big weights, then you do 3. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift 2 RM Conditioning EMOM 10 30 Doubleunders *30second maximum In the remaining time, as many setups as possible
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Workout of the Day “3 Little Pigs” 3 Rounds 5 Squat Clean 135/95 7 Toes to Bar 9 Box Jump 24/20 Rest 3 3 Rounds 3 Squat Clean 165/115 5 Box Jump 30/24 7 TTB Rest 3 3 Rounds 1 Squat Clean 185/135 3 Box Jump 30/24 5 TTB
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Our Bingo game is over! But the next challenge is right around the corner. Join us for the Into the Zone! Challenge meeting on Monday March 9th at 6:30pm. 1 Row of Bingo Completed: Brooke, Scott, Lizzie, Lizzy – 1 free drink or rx bar 3 Rows of Bingo Completed: Brooke, Scott, Lizzie, Lizzy – $10 Starbucks Card While no one finished the entire Bingo board, Brooke did complete 7 Lines of the bingo card. The prize for this is an autographed poster from CrossFit Legend Pat Barber, aka “Manimal” who is an OG from way back, finishing 4th place at the 2008 CrossFit Games. Old School. Starbucks cards will be available Wednesday afternoon for pickup:) Workout of the Day Strength 5RM Shoulder Press Be prepared for this to go to a push press. If you fail, finish it with the push press. Conditioning 20 DB Snatch 50/35 10 Pullups...
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