
Hello to the most amazing people- We had a live moment on instagram this evening, setting up our plans for the near future. If you missed it, and it was fun, go to our instastory. But here is the quick run down. We are closed. We heard the mandate and have decided to act appropriately. BUT we are only closed physically. There are so many other activities, “quaran-tivities” if you may, that we can do together. We know you aren’t doing anything else, so spend some time with us! We will continue to post workouts. There will be three categories. The first will be as if you have ALL of the equipment. The second will be if you have some equipment and the third will be body weight only. Post all videos and scores to instagram – we will be having a whiteboard in our house to post at the...
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I am a transplant. I was a transplant? I am feeling pretty rooted right now. I have seen lots of negative attitudes on Facebook about Central Valley transplants. I am not from the Bay Area, but the East Coast. This year I have made a point to call this home. It can be easy to say “we are going back home on vacation.” No more. The Connecticut girl in me has never said gosh darn it. I don’t say hecka, hella or dang. But as I stand here tonight, measuring out zone block dinners for Brian and I literally exclaimed “Gosh Darn It.” These are unprecedented times. Not even just for CrossFit or the Fitness industry. I just had a conversation with a 15 year old kid who said that since he has nothing else to do, he is going to focus on health and fitness, exercising more and not...
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If you missed out on tonight’s workout, here are some highlights:) Please check in online to reserve your class spot. We have limited classes to 8 people (not including staff) in order to create the most social distancing possible. We are creating more space by moving non-essential to the workout equipment. But it is important that you sign up. If you are not on that class list you will have to attend another time. HERE is the link to the Mindbody online site. If you have never signed up for an account, do so now. If when you try and sign up for a class, it prompts you to purchase, text Alison at 209-345-4380 so it can be fixed. There (during this time) will be an added 10am class in the mornings. If you normally come at 9, but could come at 10, it would be awesome. I promise to...
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Keep calm and carry on, folks. Stay strong of heart and mind, vigilant on the hand washing and know we will get through this one way or another. We are working on plans for different scenarios. Thank you for keeping your faith in us! Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 10 Alternating Single Leg Toe to Bar 25 Foot Handstand Walk 50 Double Unders At Home Workout AMRAP 20 5 Burpees 10 Alternating Leg Raises 30 Second Handstand Hold (substitute plank hold or head stand)
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Schedule for this week – Open gym is Monday 10-11am and Thursday 10am-12 pm We will be cleaning with gym floors daily during the week. Our goal is to stay open for as long as we can. Our class sizes are generally a size that is easily managed. We may have to ask that you help move rowers in order to create more social distancing. If you are under the weather, not feeling well or say things like “gosh I feel warm today” please stay home. We will be posting an at home WOD along with our daily WOD in case you can’t make it in. Tomorrow kicks off the Into the Zone! Nutrition Challenge. We are excited to get this going. You can still sign up. See image below for details. Once you have been added to the Facebook group, there is a link for the Google Document where...
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