This is the week of Thanksgiving – so it’s a shortened week. We will have normal hours on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday we will do a Hero workout at 5:30a, 9a and 5:30p. CFO will be closed Thanksgiving. CFO will be open for 1 workout only at 10am on Friday. Finally, we will be...Read More
Happy Saturday!! At 9am, we will do the Whole Life Challenge WOD. At 10am, we will do something a bit more skill oriented. Workout of Day AMRAP 12 5 Burpees 5 Ball Slams (Sub 10 Kettlebell Swings) 10 Walking Lunges At the top of each 3 minutes 200m run Reps are scored not the run....Read More
Just a heads up on what we currently have on the plate! Saturday 11/18/17- During the 9am class we will do the final WOD and measurements for the Whole Life Challenge. Everyone will do the workout at 9am and measurements can be taken after. You don’t have to have done the Whole Life Challenge to...Read More
If you owe money to the burpee jug, get it in! Congratulations to June, Lorena, Amie, Lizzie (Canadian), Lizzy (American), Denny and Tim for completing 100 Days of Burpees!! T Shirt pre-orders for Franniversary are going in – if you want to guarantee a T-shirt fort Franniversary, get signed up! We have tested a lot...Read More
We want to congratulate the Athletes that have completed the #CFO100 Burpee Challenge. Wednesday will be day 100. We want to celebrate their physical and mental accomplishment together. As far as we know, Amie, June, Lorena, Tim and Denny are still in it. If you are not on this list and should be, please let...Read More
I haven’t done a Headspace update in quite awhile. If you haven’t listened to me drone on about it, Headspace is a meditation app. It provides teaching and guided meditations. Their goal is simple: to make the world a better place by making people happier and healthier through mindfulness. Mindfulness is simply awareness of the...Read More
We had a TON of Pos last week! We will keep the mojo going on Monday with the Bench Press and Tuesday with the Front Squat. We will follow those heavy days with a double test: we will close out the #cfo100 Burpee challenge. For those of you who are still hanging, Wednesday is the...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale will be closed for the Veteran’s Day weekend. We will have normal class times, including 5:30am on Friday – and a Hero Workout to boot! I counted 48 Pos on the board on Thursday. The current strength program has worked great, but so have you. No program is worth a damn if the...Read More
Thursday we will test our 1RM Deadlift, and then some other stuff. Here’s what it should look like: to pull your 1RM Deadlift, you should be very warm and your central nervous system should be fired up and ready to go. Spend a few minutes stretching, but quickly get into moving those hips and hamstrings...Read More
On the Minute (each line is a new minute) 3 Burpees 3 Burpees, 2 Power Cleans 135/95 3 Burpees, 2 Power Cleans, 1 Thruster 4 Burpees 4 Burpees, 3 Power Cleans 135/95 4 Burpees, 3 Power Cleans, 2 Thrusters 5 Burpees 5 Burpees, 4 Power Cleans 135/95 5 Burpees, 4 Power Cleans, 3 Thrusters If...Read More