Intensity by Jeff Martin. Alison and I had the pleasure of meeting Jeff and Mikki Martin on Saturday. I actually had this article on my phone when I met them – I wish I would have remembered so I could have shown him. I love his writing on The Specific. 5, rx 6 and 7...Read More
PSYCH! It’s freaking Disneyland! Have a Corndog for crying out loud. Please post you favorite Disney treat to the FB page. It’s a little dark, order but we scored a corn dog later in the day! Workout of the Day Strength High Bar Back Squat 3 sets of 1, look 90% of 1RM ...Read More
Alison and I, view along with the Wesslings, approved took a road trip to LA to visit the Fitness Expo. This was our first interaction with the greater “fitness” community. The room was filled with body builders, sildenafil Zumba masters, supplement hawkers, pole dancers, sumo wrestlers, strong men and more. It was a sight. ...Read More
On Saturday Chance and Christine will be running the show as the Huberty’s and the Wesslings head to the Fitness Expo in LA for the CrossFit Kids event. Classes are at 9, link and the advanced WOD is at 10. Workout of the Day AMRAP 18 3/2 Wall Climbs 11 Box Jump and Overs 24/20...Read More
What Does the Early Arm Bend Do? by Spencer Arnold. If a coach has ever cued your arm bend, # you must read this! Get Your Hands Out of Your Pockets from 70’s Big. Don’t read this article unless you are prepared to get your motivation punched in the gut. Workout of the Day...Read More
So this Saturday 10am was a bit sparse. It was Brian, approved Alison & Denny. If you don’t know who Denny is, purchase the main qualities to point out are 100 watt smile, capsule most amazing positive attitude and a “never say die” spirit. We have known Denny for awhile, his wife, Ashly, was our...Read More
Today’s WOD is kind of special. CrossFit Oakdale had amazing support when we opened a little over a year ago. Not only were we a new gym, prostate but our environment was a little more austere than what some athlete’s were used to. Not only that, the complex that CrossFit Oakdale is in was less...Read More
The “tryout” for the FTF Affiliate Challenge will tentatively be on Thursday, this January 17th at 6:30pm and Wednesday, visit this Jan.23rd at 6:30pm. This is subject to change – we will continue to update for the week. This test is not the Open – I’m not going to allow multiple attempts. Just like competition,...Read More
Nick Z finished 19th at the 2013 OC Throwdown this weekend, drug beating out CrossFit Games veterans, top level Regional athletes and other beasts. This is a great accomplishment – in my opinion, the programming was as challenging, if not more so, than a CrossFit Regional event. Nick finished 2nd in an absolutely brutal 7k...Read More
This might be the last “normal” Saturday for a few weeks. We have some events coming up in the coming weeks – next week we’re heading down to LA for a CrossFit Kids event, this then the first 2 weeks in February we’ll be in Fresno at competitions. I’m looking into one in Tracy on...Read More