As we stated before, doctor the Tuesday 5:30pm class is very crowded. If you can push into the 6:30pm class, cure that would be much appreciated. We do not want to initiate a sign up plan, but if we continue to see 20+ athletes at 5:30, we are going to have to figure something out. ...Read More
So, approved Muscle Ups are hard. Well, information pills a few years ago shooting the wall ball to the 9 foot target for women was tough. We were all used to an 8 foot target. We will make working the Muscle Up, pharmacy the transition, ring work, etc, into regular work. 10 minutes a week...Read More
So, web you will need a Muscle Up to complete 15.3 as RX. There is no shame in the scaled option, order but we want to help you out. Muscle Up clinic at 9am. 15.3 heats begin at 9:30 or so. This is a 14 minute WOD, so it might take awhile. Strategies will be...Read More
So, sales 15.3 has been announced and it has thrown down a major challenge – if you want to compete with an RX next to your name in the 2015 Open, there you will need to start the WOD with a Muscle Up. Even 1 rep will be scored higher than a bunch of rounds...Read More
In case you didn’t know, buy the 5:30pm class on Tuesdays and Thursdays is Cuckoo-bananas. It is fun with all of the energy, but we want to make sure people are safe. The 6:30pm class has great energy AND is much less crowded. If your schedule permits, please try and attend this class instead. We...Read More
Quick post as we were OBE on Tuesday night – Overcome By Events. Busy day leading into a busy night. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 10 Handstand Pushups or 3 Wall Climbs 15 Box Jumps 24/24 10 Toes to BarRead More
We are over halfway through the Eat Well Live Better Challenge. I have seen some pretty yummy and healthy meals posted on the Facebook page dedicated to the challenge. If your diet (meaning what you eat not what you are on) is something you often talk about dialing in, ed there is no time like...Read More
Observable, treat measurable and repeatable. CrossFit Open repeat WODs may not seem original or as creative, but the improvements we have seen over CFO athletes has been out-freaking-standing! Huge PRs! If you PR’ed 14.2/15.2, please post your improvement to the comments section. And something that shouldn’t need to be said, but I am saying anyway:...Read More
On Saturday we will be completing 15.2 as a gym. Some Athletes tackled it Friday, more about and those with great weekend plans got it done Thursday night. There are five weeks to the Open, so after this weekend there will be three left. This means the rest of the Saturdays are dedicated to the...Read More
We will be doing scaled versions of this tomorrow. If you have done this last year, treatment we have your scorecard in case you don’t have it written down. Workout of the Day Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats (95 lb /...Read More