
We recently did DT.  They just did DT at the Games…Double or Heavy. You may or may not have a choice…maybe we’ll flip a coin. Workout of the Day Double DT 10 RFT 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Cleans  6 Push Jerk 155/100 or Heavy DT 5 RFT 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Power Cleans 6...
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Tomorrow night at 6:30pm is the Ladies WOD & Wine Event. There will be a workout followed by a happy hour with a raffle. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. If wine is not to your taste, approved feel free to bring your own drinks!   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 3...
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I am not a big fan of “birthday WODs.”  Generally, # dosage they are random messes of movements with a particular number.  Don’t even get me started on 12 Days of Christmas WODs. Unless Alison does it for Finn.  Then it’s perfect. The WOD came at Finn’s suggestion, and since he has never really told...
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There is still time to register for the for the CrossFit Oakdale Summer Slam.  3 Sprint WODs with a Finals for the top athletes – make sure you tell your friends.  We have a great bunch of athletes signed up – we are going to order shirts tomorrow, treat so if you want to guarantee...
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Tuesday’s benchmark Girl is “Jackie.”  Jackie is an aerobic test, view especially if you have it in your mind that you can complete the pull-ups in big chunks or unbroken.  It is deceptively simple and relatively short. First, we will do this WOD in waves.  As we only have 4 rowers, the faster athletes should...
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I don’t know if you guys spent the whole weekend watching people exercise.  I didn’t exactly, this but I did spend some pretty sizable chunks on the CrossFit Games. What happened?  Well, sildenafil a lot.  CrossFit Turlock’s Cindy Kelly won the 50-54 year old Master’s Division.  Incredible!  Chad Augustin took 4th in the 40-44 year...
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Fight Gone Bad at 9am – depending on equipment we may run two heats…in fact it is better to run two heats so we can have a counter. 10 am Advanced Class starts with a muscle up session. We will also perform a variation of Fight Gone Bad. Sunday at 8:45am will be the 75...
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We are excited to announce that the D-Meat Barrel BBQ Smokers will be bringing their food truck to the Summer Slam 7’s. Chicken, prostate tri-tip, ribs and more will be served on August 15th. I am pretty sure they will let you look into their one of a kind smoker as well. All meat to...
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We will be having some Perfectly Posh items for our raffle at next week’s WOD & Wine Evening. We are lucky to have an in-house Posh Consultant in Stephanie M. Make sure you check out her Facebook page and products. All of their skin and beauty products are naturally based. Sarah, order Tricia and I went...
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For the past few Sundays we have been having yoga with Katelyn Hasley. It has been awesome. Her focus with us is in strength and flexibility. Every class has been different, order and always ends with a guided meditation….you know how we LOVE meditation. The class is 75 minutes long and begins at 8:45am. Yoga...
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