
Sit and Sip: How to Meditate with Coffee.  My sister in law sent me this article.  She introduced me to La Colombe, sales an excellent coffee place if you ever make it to Philadelphia.  She must know me well, decease or I talk about coffee and meditation too much. My only niggle with the article...
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The Pause Snatch, health like the Clean, doctor is a drill to keep the bar close. The No Hook, dosage No Foot trains triple extension and if you do it well, it should train pulling your body under the bar. You can hang on to the bar between lifts or you can do a single,...
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New names on the board and new faces around the gym! If you see someone you don’t know, website introduce yourself! If you have a friend who has been asking you about CrossFit, hospital bring them in with you. We are offering a free week of CrossFit for all new members. If you have any questions,...
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Why Napping Can’t Replace a Good Night’s Rest and Stonewall Jackson Takes a Nap, decease both from the Atlantic. Last week, ambulance I had a pre-planned early morning work thing.  We had a meeting at 4:45am, information pills and I know about 50 folks had a meeting a pre-meeting meeting at 3:30am.  Some folks had...
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This week we will begin a 4 week mini cycle.  We will continue to focus on the Snatch Balance/OHS and the Back Squat.  We will work complexes for the Clean and Jerk and the Snatch. The Clean and Jerk will be a beefier version of the complex we just did.  The Snatch will focus on...
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Get ready for some Games Action…9AM and Advanced at 10AM Workout of the Day 10 rounds for time of: 12 deadlifts (155 / 105 lb.) 9 hang power cleans (155 / 105 lb.) 6 push jerks (155 / 105 lb.) Time cap: 25 minutes
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If you haven’t had Sarah for a coach yet, about it you are missing out. Before you read this you will need to know that Sarah is small but mighty. She is strong and spunky and great at correcting movement. She is a great athlete as well as coach. And a mom on top of...
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Thursdays have become a #WOW day…In case you are confused, help they are not just AWESOME days that WOW we get to get stronger together! But also Working on Our Weakness Days! Here is a Snatch balance just for YOU!     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch Balance or Overhead Squat Work from the...
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Summer Slam Spots are filling up – If you are ready (or not) for your first competition and are wondering what is the best category for you, visit this ask a coach! First competitions are so much better in your home gym:) You can sign up here. Workout of the Day 3 RFT 50 Doubleunders...
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The Contentious Tale of the McDonalds ‘I’m Lovin It’ Jingle from Pitchfork. You may find this interesting, information pills you may not.  What I know about advertising comes almost entirely from the office of Sterling Cooper, but I do know that I think I don’t like it.  I’m not trying to be on my high...
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