
Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 5 Thrusters 135/83 10 Toes to Bar  30 Double Unders
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So, this web next week will be adjusted as things are a little slow for the holidays.  We will only have a 9am hero workout on Monday, page 12/26.  For the remainder of the week, page there will be no 6:30pm classes. Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill OTM 10 5 Strict Pullup 5 Dips...
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The end of the year is upon us and that seems to lead to reflection for most people. It has been quite the year – everyone has their highs and lows, their great moments and the not so great. In reflecting on my year I thought long and hard about the people who have brought...
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Excellent video from Barbell Shrugged on the Glute Ham Raise.  Now that we have enough GHD to use in class warm up, if not workouts, we want to get as much out of the tool as possible.  As a society, we are frontal fixated, and we get that way on the GHD machine.  Basically, we...
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We will have a normal schedule this week, as Christmas falls on a Sunday.  Back Squat on Monday, HS work on Tuesday.  Next week will be our final week of the Back Squat progression. In the new year, we will do a 5 RM Back Squat build, a 2RM Front Squat build and heavy Snatch...
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Don’t forget, the Christmas party starts at 5:30pm.  CrossFit at 9am and 10am. Workout of the Day 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95 Sit-up Rest 5 min 18-15-12 Power Cleans 155/105 Toes to Bar Rest 5 12-9-6 Power Cleans 185/115 Bar Facing Burpee At 10am, the 135/95 piece will be coupled with GHD situps.  The 185/115 piece...
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I admit, I have always wanted to do this workout at CFO, but we never had the rowers.  Now we do.  Listen to Dave Castro’s advice – do not game the workout to get a lot of doubleunders.  Go as hard a you can on each station.  If you can do DU, do singles and...
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Lots of lifting and jumping on Thursday.  If you score this as we normally do, our white board will be full of rounds, and partial rounds.  And that’s just hard to clean up.  Instead, lets score as one total score – 3 reps per round in round 1, 6 reps per round in round 2, 9 reps...
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Looking for a fun Team Competition? CrossFit Quake is hosting a Rep Your Gym event. $130 for a 2 person team – must be same sex. The event is on February 18th.  More info  can be found HERE. Training for this will be great training for the Open…just saying. If have a partner but are...
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Tuesday’s work is similar to a Squat Clean workout we have done in previous years.  Except this time, we will use the Squat Snatch.  Ideally, you will be able to pull your body into an Overhead Squat position during your second pull, and receive the bar at or near the bottom of the squat.  If...
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