Friday night is Bunco for the Ladies. Instead of the stifling gym, # 60mg we are headed to Michele B’s house. I will be giving the address out to those who are attending. Key info: 7pm, $11 to play, BYOB, bring some food to share. No experience needed, just a fun sense of humor and the ability to talk and roll dice at the same time. Let Alison know if you are bringing a friend.
Saturday we will be headed West to CrossFit Sav-Up for their Summer Party WOD. We are leaving Saturday morning, so if you want to follow let Alison know you will be in attendance.
No Open Gym Sunday – get out and about in the area – hiking, paddling, river floating!
For today’s conditioning workout, if you would like to try some GHDs, ask a coach. Instead of doing 12 sit-ups, do 8. So it will be 8/10/8.

Workout of the Day
Clean/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk
6 sets of this complex. Take 10-12 minutes to warm up, then perform a set, resting no less than 90 seconds, no more than 2 minutes.
8 Squat Cleans 95/65
10 Pushups
12 Situps