CrossFit Oakdale is taking a field trip to the Oakland A’s on Saturday! Happy Hour starts at 4pm and the game starts at 6pm. I will post another Open style workout on Thursday night, and we can do a little strategy for the workout on Saturday.
I have moved the thrusters up to Monday, and the burpees to Tuesday. The power clean Milo will stay on Friday, and we will be adding a pause at the bottom of the front squat.
Also, we will be updating the records board – a lot times have gotten faster – and some of us, that used to be all over the board, have gotten a wee bit slower. Feel free to knock those old times off.
Quick Grace strategy – if you can do more than 10 unbroken C&J, do as many reps as possible unbroken to start. It’s only 30, and if you can get to halfway in under a minute, you are on track for a great time, like in the two minute range or even faster. Quick singles are great for couplets and triplets. For a quick smash like Grace, it is hard to do quick singles in under 3 minutes. Grab on, hold on and go fast.
Even if you are under 10, but you can do 5, I still think you go as deep as you can and race to 20. Do the workout like there is only 20 reps, and we will carry you through the last 10.
The goal is to go so fast that the you are done before the lactic acid hits or your lungs blow up. Ideally, you are done for a minute when it hits you. Like you’ve been in heaven for 10 minutes before the devil knows you’re dead.

Workout of the Day
OTM 10
5 Thrusters
Week 3 – Add 5-10# to last weeks lift. This should be challenging.
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95