The GrossFit Games 2020 finals played out as expected: it was really hard, not a lot of people were there, there were some surprising workouts, and in the end, the fittest people were crowned. Mat Fraser and Tia Toomey continued their strangle hold on the title of worlds fittest, basically dominating every aspect of the competition. Of 12 events, Tia won 9 events, Fraser won 10 and Katrin returned to the podium. It was exciting to watch the young studs Justin Mederios (21 years old from Lodi!) and Haley Adams (19) really push the big dogs over the weekend, even if they came up short. It should be fun to watch.
One thought – don’t ask me when we are gonna do Atalanta. It’s not gonna happen.
But in honor of the Games, let’s do a big, loud, nasty workout.
You get one barbell, but you get to do a couple of simple weight changes. The mens bar is 95 and ladies is 65 – you should load with 25s and 15s. When it comes to the clean and jerks, guys just add 35 on the outside of the 25s, ladies add 25s on the outside of the 15s.
The bar goes from light, up to heavy, back down to light.
For the week, we will deadlift on Wednesday and do a similar shoulder workout as last Friday.

Workout of the Day
7 Power Snatch 95/65
7 Toes to Bar
14 Power Snatch
14 Toes to Bar
21 Clean and Jerks 165/115
14 Bar Facing Burpees
14 Power Snatch
7 Bar Facing
7 Power Snatch