has it’s first new website in 15 years. That’s pretty cool.
Tuesday we will be re-testing a CrossFit Games Open WOD. This is a big boy test, buy more about and maybe the best one CrossFit has done to date. It appeared as 12.4 and 13.3. If you are fit, you will get through the wall balls. If you are really fit and have the ability when fatigued, you will get through the wall balls and doubleunders. If you can get a Muscleup, you are an exercise badass. If you can get 30, all in under 12 minutes, you may sprout wings and fly.
Now, I have a ton of confidence most of you will complete the wall ball. You know you can do 15 on the minute and still have time to knock out 90 doubleunders. That should give you a few seconds to get your first muscle up.
Now, if you expect to get into the Muscleups…I DO NOT recommend using a big set to open. We have athletes do really well on this WOD using sets of 25 to 100 then dropping to 2 sets of 15 then 2 sets of 10. On the sets of 25, you will finish around 50 seconds. Rest for 10, pick up up and begin another set of 25. If you are using smaller sets, I recommend pinching the ball against the ball with your hip when it bounces back up after you drop. This will save time and it breaks the mental barrier of having to pick the damn thing up.
When you get to the Doubleunders – do them.
Muslceups. If you used my plan, you should get here somewhere between 8:30 and 9:30. That’s gives you some time to knock out muslce ups. This will be very personal. I have usually done 2 or 3 big sets, then getting to singles. This time, I am thinking of setting the rings low and doing all singles. You will know where you generally hit your wall on muslce ups, but if you can, go for it. Your pullers will be surprisingly fresh, so don’t be afraid to go for it.

Workout of the Day
150 Wallball Shots 20/14
90 Doubleunders
30 Muscleups or 30 Pullups
If you can, peek at the clock when you finish the 150 Wallballs. This is your “Karen” time.
Following this WOD, take an easy run around TL Davis then row easy for 4 minutes. Don’t skip this! Flush the lactic acid out of your legs.