Some New Gear

We have some new equipment at the gym as of Sunday.  First, more about we hung new ropes.  They are thicker than our old rope – which started thick, but stretched out.  You may find them easier to climb.  Be cautious on the way DOWN.  The ropes are new, so they are a little slick.  Chalk your hands and you will be fine.  But I really needed to focus on getting the rope to bite on my feet.  Be smart as you work the ropes.
Also, we finally hung the peg board.  It’s in the back corner of the gym, beckoning you to make it to the top.  If you do complete an ascent, you will be the first.  It’s tough.  If you make it to the top, please sign the peg board.
We had some visitors from CrossFit Initiative.  Ty and Soupha own the gym in Reno.  Soupha got her first muscle up at CFO!  It was bad ass, as she said she had been close for years and finally got one.  Work that transition and be the next – you will have a great opportunity on Tuesday.  After you do 150 wallballs and 90 doubleunders…

New toys!!
New toys!!

Workout of the Day
Push Complex, Week 4 of 6
3 Push Press, 3 Push Jerks
Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy set of this complex.  Let feel dictate how heavy you go.
7 Squat Cleans 155/100
14 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
14 minute cap

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