Is the Rebound Box Jump Suitable for Everyone? from Breaking Muscle.
I sometimes enjoy/sometimes hate Breaking Muscle. I imagine CrossFitters are the number one reader of this online magazine, mind yet they appear to troll weekly, articles that are highly critical of CrossFit, without, in my opinion, moving the argument forward. Sometimes, I think they are just trolling for page views.
Box jumps are one of the movements in CrossFit that internet trolls love to attack. Busted up shins are regular occurrences and the much scarier Achilles injury is always looming, at least in if you read the internet.
I liked this article, as it explained jumping exercises, why we do them, rules to live by and jumping in the sport of CrossFit.
But in the end, if you are looking to compete in the sport of CrossFit, you will want to be pretty familiar with box jumps. They ARE going to be in the Open, and I would guess there will be a lot of them. Box jumps have been in Regionals every year as well, even as high as 30in. You don’t have to use rabbit style to move fastest – we have found even stepping up can be relatively fast.
I suck at Box Jumps. I count them as my biggest weakness in the CrossFit movements (absolute strength and running are a whole ‘nother story). I am practicing them in warm ups and in simple drills to hammer home my technique. I work them 2x a week, usually 50-80 reps a session. For me, this is enough to practice, but not enough to get sore. I practice different styles and work on my step downs to see how my body responds.
I don’t practice step ups. Maybe I should, but it seems like a gross motor skill that you can fall back on if you are fit.
Workout of the Day
In 20 minutes, build to a heaviest set of the following complex
2 Power Cleans – 3 Front Squat – 1 Jerk
With a 10 minute cap
Run TL Davis Loop
100 Doubleunders
25 Squat Cleans 135/95
Box Jumps are awesome! Jumping is awesome!