American Weightlifting: The Documentary

I spoke about this at Sunday’s seminar, malady but Greg Everett at Catalyst Athletics has created a movie, website American Weightlifting: The Documentary.
The film will premier on November 16th, and will be available for online purchase for $15.  Coach Jim Schmitz will be featured as well as Coach Burgener.
I love weightlifting.  I love CrossFit more, but I love the purity of the effort and the fact that so many have toiled in relative obscurity in the pursuit of greatness.  CrossFit has created a huge interest in weightlifting, and I hope the union continues to grow.
I am thinking of setting up a screening of the movie – either at the gym or my house.  Please let me know in the comments if you’d be interested. 
“Weightlifting is not a formula…it’s fighting for every kilo on that bar.”  YES!
Workout of the Day
4 Rounds, for reps
Deadlift, 275/185 for 1 minute
Rest for 1 min
Burpees to touch, 6in beyond reach.  Open standard
Rest for 1 minute
Once done
10 minutes of partner/team sled push