Khaki Crisis

Update: Due to an influx of concerned questions and caring statements, more about we have managed to curb Brian’s khaki pant wearing at CrossFit Oakdale. It will not happen again and we are truly sorry for upsetting you. We didn’t understand the implication of Brian wearing “regular” clothes to the gym. He is not injured, buy ill or indisposed. He was going to take Jack to wrestling. No worries – he will be back in Lululemon tomorrow. Thank you for your concern.
And now on to more important things…like the CFO Christmas Party! We will be celebrating this years holidays at Suzy Belen’s on Saturday December 7th at 5pm. Yes,  it is the same day as the Franniversary, so rest up and be ready to continue the festivities. Tickets will be $15 for adults, $12 for kids. This will include entree, salad, chips & salsa and soft drinks. Ticket go on sale tomorrow until December 1st. Cash or check only, please.
There will be a White Elephant Gift Giving portion of the party. If you would like to participate there is a  $20 limit for the gift. We had some interesting items last year, I expect nothing nothing less this year. For kids who will be at the party, there will also be White Elephant with a $5 max for gifts.
Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Build to a 1RM Back Squat
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
5 Wall Climbs
8 Chest to Bar Pullups
4 Wall Climbs
6 Chest to Bar Pullups
3 Wall Climbs
4 Chest to Bar Pullups
2 Wall Climbs
2 Chest to Bar Pullups
1 Wall Climb