Support Your Local Box 2

Tomorrow we will be performing the second workout from the Support your local box fundraiser! See you at 10am.

If you missed the live announcement on instagram – make sure you check us out on instagram – Crossfit Oakdale is offering 1 FREE month of Precision Nutrition Coaching.

This time we are in, “uncertainty” has been bandied about A LOT, creates opportunity. Time to learn, time for change, time to deal with the time we are in. We have 3 teenagers in our household who believe there is no need to sleep, only to game. It is hard to help anyone understand that we now have the time to do what we want – within the confines of shelter-at-home.

If you tell me you just want to hang out with your friends, I will tell you I have heard it before, every day from at least 3 people. But as I say to them, now is the time. Time to reflect, time to learn, time to create.

Whether you have already jumped on the sourdough bandwagon, made a mask or zoomed, this is the time to find you.

While the Precision Nutrition program doesn’t solve the world’s problems, financially or pandemically, it does create a moment in time, daily, to reflect on what habits we could add, how we can look at diet differently, and how we can care for ourselves. We can’t help others when we are lacking.

Ask questions. Ask lots of them. But also take advantage of this opportunity. Whether or not you continue once we step back into the gym, we want to offer you a chance to try something new while you are on your own. This also gives us another way to stay connected with you. You are never on your own (ever is that sounds creepy.)

Brian is apologizing for programming almost exactly the same WOD as Dave Castro. He is truly sorry. Mainly that his was harder.

Tomorrow’s Schedule

10 AM CrossFit Click Here to Join

When your car knows nothing about a pandemic – Thank you, Chelsie!!

Workout of the Day

Support Your Local Box Week 2

For time:

•100 double-unders
•21 burpees
•75 double-unders
•15 burpees
•50 double-unders
•9 burpees