Monday! Monday! Monday!

We hope you had a great Easter, Spring celebration, Sunday funday.

We are headed into week 4 (we think, but feel free to correct) of self isolation. Happy thoughts? Sad thoughts?

It looks like nice weather is headed our way this week, so we will run and get outside as much as we can.

As usual, if you are looking for something, you want more, let us know. We can offer sourdough breads, dutch babies, and anything that can be baked as well as extra workouts, accessory work, and nutrition recommendations. You just have to ask. Though we might just offer, too:)

Quick note- Please post picture to the Crossfit Oakdale Strong Facebook Group as well as your amazing videos so we can use them during the week!

Happy Easter from our family to yours-:)

Workout of the Day

“Fully Loaded”


30 Pushups

25 Pullups

200m Run

“Half Cocked”


30 Pushups

25 Power Cleans – barbell 95/65 Dumbbell 50/35 Or ANYTHING

200m Run

“Empty Chamber”


30 Pushups

25 Step Back Lunges

20 V-Up Situps

Accessory Work

3 Sets of 12
Front Lateral Raises
Side Lateral Raises
Tricep Extension