So much excitement!

Congratulations to Coach Brad and Amber on their sweet new daughters, Bradleigh! Check out the pic below to see the best dressed newborn in town.

Congratulations to the May PR’S – Don’t forget to put your PR in for the monthly drawing. Make sure you give a big high five to these athletes!

Austin D : 135# Snatch Balance

Brad C: 167# Snatch

Bri P : 85# Pause Snatch + Hang Snatch, 110# Clean and Jerk, AND THEN a week later 115# Clean and Jerk Complex, 135# Back Squat

Damon D: 245# Front Squat

Coach Jess: 120# Front Squat

Jordan M: 185# Power Clean

Maegan D: 80# Squat Snatch, 105# Clean and Jerk

McKenna: 77# Snatch, 100# Clean and Jerk, 130# Clean, 135# Front Squat…all while pregnant:)

Melissa K: 165# Front Squat, 90# Snatch, 255# Deadlift

Vicky: 92# Front Squat

Victoria: 102# Clean & Jerk, 80# Squat Snatch

Workout of the Day

OTM 30

In 20 seconds perform Squat Clean into Thrusters 135/95

Rest 40 seconds

At the beginning of each round, perform 20 doubleunders, then perform the clusters. You will have to move fast, that’s not a lot of time. Your score is your total number of DU and Clusters, all added up.

If you cannot perform DU, do 5 barbell lateral jumps each round.

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