Scoring Up

Phew. Team point, puke points, added redo points. I am pretty sure I missed some. If you are missing points, let me know. BUT I go off of pictures on instagram…if you tagged #cfo2019. I did start adding a point if you redo the workout. If you redid 19.1, let me know. We have had two takers for the pukie points – one person was your fearless leader and favorite OG CrossFitter. There is a picture if you want to see it:)

Team Amino Disrespect

Brian – 15, Alison – 11, Will – 5, Brooke – 12, Jacob-10, McKenna – 3, Maggie B – 1, Terri – 7, Carson – 35

Team Total – 98

MVP 19.1

Terri – New to CrossFit Oakdale, but loves a challenge. She came in and completed 19.1 scaled on a Friday, and then REPEATED it on Sunday RX. She is a badass Masters athlete with a ton of potential. Keep it up, Terri!

MVP 19.2

Carson – Hit both high point items on the list this week with a vomit and tear of the hands. While Carson is not new to high level athletic pursuits, he is adapting to new movements quickly. Great job, Carson! He must get it from his Mom. 🙂

Team Salute the Glutes

Jess – 3, Jack O. – 6, Alex – 5, Maegan – 2, Ashly – 14, Melissa – 3, Finn – 6, Conney – 8.

Team Total – 47

MVP 19.1

Ashly – She killed 19.1 and has been a wonderful, positive influence on our group. She tackles obstacles with a smile and offers encouragement to her teammates.

MVP 19.2

Conney – She has been a positive influence on the team and continues to work hard through the Open.

Team Flexual Healing

Wendy – 1, Tricia – 10, Brad C. – 1, Austin D – 9, Katie – 4, Chelsie – 2, Vicky – 5, Jack H. – 1 Bryce – 5

Team Total – 38

MVP 19.1

Bryce – Bryce was a stealthy 19.1 Killa’. He was like a piston on his wall balls and powered through the rowing.

MVP 19.2

Austin D. – He persevered through the WHOLE thing! Great job, Austin!


The Clarks – 4, Damon – 6, Victoria – 2, Scott – 31, Lizzy – 5, Gloria – 7, Bob – 1

Team Total – 56

MVP 19.1

Scott – She was dressed to impress!! Had a positive attitude and kept everyone in the gym smiling.

MVP 19.2

Gloria – She may be quiet and stealthy, but she packs a punch. Don’t even think about stealing her Speal bar.

Team Brad/Denny

Austin – 24, Amie – 2, Michele – 13, June – 12, Amanda – 5, Cameron – 1

Team Total – 59

MVP 19.1

Michele – She continues to encourage the group and creates such a fun positive attitude for all. She is so much fun to have on our team.

MVP 19.2

Austin T. – Stepped up and redid the workout this week, turning himself inside out.

Custome Leaderboard for CrossFit Oakdale

This girl redid the WOD and got into the 3rd round the second time. Such an amazing effort. Great job, Maegan!!!

Workout of the Day



Clean Grip, Deficit Deadlift

5 sets of 4 @ 65%


15 Minute Alternating EMOM

Minute 1 – 30 seconds Handstand Hold

Minute 2 – 30 second Hanstand Walk

Minute 3 – 30 seconds of Burpees