Saturday: 9am Bring a Friend, 10am Team CFO/Advanced

After an eventful weekend, medical we’ll have a “normal” training session on Saturday.
9am is Bring a Friend WOD.
10am is Team CFO/Advanced.
Both classes will be doing versions of Week 1 of the CompWOD Open.  The CompWOD Open is 3 weeks of scored WODs, much like the CrossFit Games Open.  As long as the WODs are cool, we’ll keep doing ’em.
Workout of the Day
“Forearm Fury”
AMRAP 7 Ladder of
Hang Clean 145/100
Toe 2 Bar
The first round is 1 of each, the second round is 2, the third round is 3.  Keep going up by 1.
At 10am, we will start with a build to a heaviest set of:
2 Hang Cleans plus 1 Jerk

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