Royal Rumble Standards!!!

Registration : HERE
“Dog Collar Match”
12 minute cap
 Athlete must complete a full round before putting the bar down. If bar is dropped before the thruster is complete, the athlete will have to start that round over.
3 Deadlifts – Full hip and knee extension at the top of the lift. Bar will return to the ground after finishing the 3rd deadlift in order to prepare for the Power Clean.
2 Power Cleans – The barbell begins on the ground for the clean. The rep is complete with the athlete’s kips and knees are fully extended and the bar is resting on the shoulders in the front rack position with the athlete’s elbows in front of the bar. No squat cleans, split cleans or hang cleans will be permitted.  After the second power clean is finished, the athlete can then begin the thruster. 
1 Thruster – athlete must complete full depth of the squat and then drives out of the bottom of the squat, finishing with a press overhead. Feet must return under the athlete and control shown at the top of the thruster. 
RX 165/110
Scaled 115/75
Masters RX 135/95
Masters Scaled 95/65
“Cage Match”
Ring Muscle Up – the athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the rings, with the arms fully extended (with or without a false grip) and the feet off the ground. The heels may not rise above the height of the rings during the kip.
The elbows must be fully locked out while in the support position above the rings. Kipping the muscle up is acceptable but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required.
Bar Muscle Up –  The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar with the arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping muscle up is acceptable, but pullover, rolls to support and glide kips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip. 
At the top, the elbows must be fully loved while the athlete is in the support position above the bar with the shoulders over or in from of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip to lockout over the bar. Only the hands, and no other pare of the arm, may touch the pull-up bar to assist the athlete in completing the rep, Once on top, the hands must stay in contact with the bar. And athletes must maintain support with their arms. Removing the hands and resting while on top of the bar is not allowed. 
Burpees Pull-up  – After burpee is performed where chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom, athlete can step or jump up into a pullup. Chin must go over the bar in the horizontal and vertical plane. Kipping pullups are allowed. Bumper plates or a low box will be available if the athlete is not able to reach the bar.
“Royal Rumble”
RX and Masters RX
Fastest to 500 Reps – 20 minute cap
At the top of every 3 minutes – 2 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest
Toes to Bar – In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. An overhand, underhand or split-grip are all permitted.
Both feet must come into contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands.
Burpee Box Jump Over, 20 inches for EVERYONE – The burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the box. The athlete will jump the feet back, at the same time, so that they are lying on the ground, chest and thighs touching the ground at the bottom. Athlete will jump feet forward at the same time, in preparation for the box jump portion of the movement.
Athlete must jump and land on both feet on top of the box. Full extension of knees and hips is not required. They will then jump or step off the box.
Double Unders – the rope must pass completely under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.
Scaled & Masters Scaled
Fastest to 200 Reps
At the top of every 3 minutes – 2 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest
Hanging Knee Raises – In the hanging knee-raise, the arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. An overhand, underhand or split- grip are all permitted.
At the top of the repetition, the athlete must raise the knees above the height of the hips.
Burpee Box Jump Over, 20 inches for EVERYONE –  The burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the box. The athlete will jump OR step the feet back so that they are lying on the ground, chest and thighs touching the ground at the bottom. They will jump or  step their feet forward and jump or step on top of the box. Full extension of knees and hips is not required. They will then jump or step off the box.
Dumbbell Snatch – 35/20The dumbbell snatch starts with the dumbbell on the ground and finished with the dumbbell directly overhead. At the bottom of the movement, BOTH heads of the dumbbells must be lifted overhead in one motion. Touch and go is permitted. Bouncing the dumbbell is not allowed. Athletes must alternate arms after each repetition. The dumbbell must be lowered below the top of the athlete’s head before he or she can switch hands for the next rep. The non-lifting hand and arm may not be in contact with the body during the repetition.
At the tope, the arms, hips and knees must be fully locked out with the dumbbell clearly over the middle of the athlete’s body when viewed from profile. Once the athlete has reached lockout, the repetition will count. 

Workout of the Day
10 Rounds
90 seconds work
Run the Parking Lot then, in the remaining time, perform as many Ring MU or Bar MU or Burpee Pullup as possible
Rest 90 seconds