Week of July 30, 2018

We will transition into a Snatch focus for the next 6 weeks.  We will Front Squat, Overhead Squat and Snatch weekly.  The Front Squat progression will be 5 sets of 3, with a wave of 60, 70, 80 then 70, 80 and 90%.  Use your 1RM that we set last week or your most recent 1RM.
This week will be Squat on Monday, a running work/rest Royal Rumble prep on Tuesday, more rope/HS work on Wednesday and Snatch on Thursday.

Workout of the Day
Front Squat
5 sets of 3, 60%
Overhead Squat
Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes.  After each lift, dump the weight on the floor, and do 3 touch and go Power Cleans to re-rack.  You may need to strip some weight, just put it back on for the overhead lift.
This is the protocol we used 2 or 3 months back.