
This week we will be starting our “Murph” training. Our goal is that we are together to complete the Hero WOD on Memorial Day weekend. Keep your fingers crossed!

Our evening outdoor WOD will be similar to the morning class – as usual bring your kettlebell or dumbbell to workout with.

Tomorrow’s Schedule

ROMWOD 8:30am Click Here to Join

CrossFit 9am Click Here to Join

Crossfit Oakdale Kids and Teens 3pm Click Here to Join

CrossFit Outdoors 6pm Location on the group page or text 209-345-4380

Workout of the Day

“Fully Loaded”

5Yd-10yd-15yd shuttle Run
5 Yard Handstand Walk
20 Kettlebell Swings 53/35

“Empty Chamber”

5Yd-10yd-15yd shuttle Run
5 Yard Kick Up or Bear Crawl

Accessory Work

Bench Press – 4×12

Bent Over Row – 4×8 each arm

Hip Bridge – weighted 4×20

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